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I like/dislike Final Fantasy ____ , and here's why:



Dec 6, 2009
I liked the voice for Fran(?), the cat lady.
Fran(?), the cat lady.
the cat lady.
the cat lady


New member
Jun 11, 2012
I like FFIX because it has great lovable characters, an awesome villain, good gameplay, a good art style, a story that's not over-melodramatic, good character interaction, and not as many fanboys as most of the others.

I dislike FFVIII because the characters are unlikable (to me), the main one is too whiny, the Junction system wasn't done as well as it could have, and the story isn't that interesting.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Gokai Galleon
I like FFX for many reasons. It was actually my entrance into the franchise. The characters were awesome, (Except for Wakka. I dunno why) the battle system was sound, and the Sphere Grid turned bland, limited fighters into ones that learned from each other, which was a very nice touch. The story was somewhat TOO linear for me, but it kept me engrossed regardless. Loved Seymour...And his awesome boss music. I HATED Blitzball, though. The game is unforgiving in teaching you how to play it, and controlling the game feels like navigating a drunk. I can't tell you how many times I kept passing the ball when I wanted to attack an enemy player. It wasn't a BAD mini-game, but more thought into the basics would've been nice. (And I know about the ability to Practice. It didn't really help me out)

I dislike FF12 because of it's characters. They all, I dunno, seemed like fake caricatures of themselves. Especially Vaan. Typical JRPG hero if I ever met one. The Skill-panel system was also a pain in the rear.


New member
Oct 2, 2004
Sorry Turn, I thought she had cat ears. Apparently, they were rabbit ears. Haha.


number one fan of teresa giudice
May 17, 2006
I've completed everything except 4:TAY, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, and 13-2, and the only one I can say I absolutely dislike is 2.

The story was boring, and if I can bulldoze my way to the ending after only 4 or 5 hours of abusing your poorly designed stat system then something is wrong.


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Stuffed in a sack and being thrown through a magic
Hmm, I haven't played the entire series. But from my limited number of FF's underneath my non-existent belt, here's the rundown:
FF9: I absolutely love this FF. The characters were amazing (as was their development), the battle system was good, the story was amazing, and that card mini-game was so addicting! All in all, FF9 is tied between FF10 for my favorite Final Fantasy, but I think FF9 might beat 10 by a slim margin. I personally think that Zidane is the best main character of the series; he not a total badass, but he's not a big baby, either. Steiner was great for comedic relief. Vivi's amazing, too, despite his story being a little sad. And Garnet just might be my favorite heroine of the series. I can't remember much else about the characters, but I do remember that Cid in this game was actually a little frog-like thing. It was kinda weird. o.o Oh, and I remember Freya. She's awesome.
FF10: As I said before, this ties with FF9 as to which is my favorite ever FF game. I loved the characters (moreso than FF9's in most areas). Tidus is kind of a whiny, arrogant dick in the beginning of the game, but he progressively gets better and I think that was good character development. Yuna is amazing, too. Lulu was badass. Wakka was cool. Kimahri was awesome. Auron was probably my favorite character, besides Yuna. Rikku was kind of useless in battle without grenades or something to steal, but I liked her as a character, too. I think this is the only FF in which I loved every main character almost equally.
The most I remember of this game was the scenery. Beautiful places like the Moonflow and Macalania Woods are still fresh in my mind. Another thing I remember is the music. Especially the Hymn of the Fayth and the Battle music. Seymour is a bitch, though. I hated fighting him. :(

FF12: I didn't get too far in this game, due to being distracted by other games I wanted to play. But from what I saw I really liked the battle system and enjoyed the open world. And the music. I LOVED the music.
FF13: I'm in the process of this game right now. I think I've gotten to where the entire group is together and on that giant ship, fighting that boss Fal'Cie with the multiple faces? I can't remember its name. But anyways, FF13 is very linear, but I think the story team at SE did this on purpose in order to get people more focused on the characters and plot, rather than a billion side missions and exploration (though, I do miss that aspect of FF in this game). I love the characters a lot, especially Sahz. :) Poor old guy, just trying to stay alive. Vanille doesn't bug me as much as I thought she would, but she still can't hold a candle to Rikku or Yuffie as the role of 'spunky, optimistic character'. Fang is just awesome. Lightning bugs me a little bit, just because she's so emotionally cold most of the time. I personally think Snow is kind of stupid, lol. And Hope? He's cute and I like his character, but I just don't understand why Lightning gave him that knife RIGHT after he talked about killing Snow. I was like, "You're giving that to him after he said that? Don't encourage him!".
The Eidolans (I think that's how you spell it) are a welcome addition, and I love Odin a ton. Sahz's is pretty amazing, too.
I miss exploring towns, though. But it makes sense that the FF13 cast would stay away from civilization when they're being hunted. The scenery is also gorgeous. The Sunleth Waterscape and that amusement park Sahz and Vanille go to with the Chocobos were dazzling to look at. The graphics also are amazing. But of course they are; it's SE working with a PS3. ;)


New member
Jun 8, 2012
Stalker Cab
I haven't got to play every title in the series, but I intend to one day~

Final Fantasy IV I liked because the story just really appealed to me. The After Years, not so much...still made me upset that
Spoiler Spoiler Show

Final Fantasy VI I liked because Terra's character and because
Spoiler Spoiler Show

Final Fantasy VII I liked because it was really my first Final Fantasy experience as a child. Of course, I had my dad there playing it with me because my five year old little hands couldn't always hold the PS controller correctly (my thumbs were too small to use analog sticks for a while ; ; ).
I remember thinking Cloud was awesome and that Sephiroth was a complete jerkface, but as I got older I began looking at them through the eyes of a girl and found them both attractive in their own sense.
Thinking about playing it when I was little makes me nostalgic~

Final Fantasy VIII I didn't like so much when I was younger, but warmed up to it as I got older.
I didn't like not having materia :| And I felt the GF animations lasted too long.
I warmed up to the game a few years later though and loved it~
Rinoa took a lot of warming up to, though.

Final Fantasy X The sphere grid confused me and I found Yuna to be annoying, so I didn't care for this too much. But Tidus was cute.
I threw my controller at the lake scene and ragequit :|
I was...12 at the time?

I haven't really played any Final Fantasy title seriously since then, but might when I get the chance~


Who in face are you?!
Jan 24, 2009
Some background: I've played I, III, IV, VI, XII and XIII.

Out of these games, the only one I really disliked was III. A nonexistant plot, a tedious battle system, bland characters and a high difficulty. That's all I can really say about it. It left little impression on me, to be honest. I don't violently hate it, and I'll probably play it again sometime, but I certainly didn't like it very much.

The only one I absolutely adored was XII. Interesting characters, beautiful visuals and music, an extremely interesting and entertaining plot, a battle system I wish they'd used more often throughout the series... And the exploration. Oh, how I love the exploration. It really felt like a world, and I really got attached to it. There were a couple high difficulty curves, but nothing I had a major problem with. I only remember having had to grind a couple times, though that's probably mostly because I went for every secret and did every side quest.

IV was also quite good. The characters were certainly some of the best I've seen, and the battle system was simple yet elegant. Fairly typical, but elegant. There's not much I can say about it. It was just generally very good.

VI... well, it looked very good, but I was never able to figure out how to use Sabin's Blitz abilities, and I never made it past the Ultros battle. Hardly enough for me to make much of a judgement based on... but I was certainly interested, and do wish that I could have continued.

I failed to leave an impression. This is mostly due to its age, I expect. It may seem tedious for the common day, but sensibilities have changed. Honestly, it's not a horrible game, but certainly not my favourite.

XIII was... not so good, but I wouldn't go as far as to call it terrible. The biggest problem for me was probably the linearity. Yes, it's a cliche issue, but I find it's true. In my Final Fantasy games, I really do like the exploration. These games craft interesting worlds and make us want to see them. In addition... I really like side quests, and there were only so many of them in the game. A petty reason, I guess, but it's linked to some overarching issues.

All in all, none of them are that horrible, some of them excel. In my opinion, of course. This thread displays very clearly that opinions on these games vary a lot.


Dogs Eating Dogs
Oct 4, 2009
The Roleplay Section. I seldom venture out.
I like Final Fantasy I. First in the series and gave birth to what we have today. I've played the GBA and PSP version. I remember playing through with all White Mages to challenge myself. What a chore. Still fun though.

I'm on edge about Final Fantasy II. I didn't like the broken stat progression (Not high enough HP? Hurt your own team and it'll increase!) and the magic levelling system was stupid. When I obtained Ultima I never used it coz it took forever to level up and was far weaker than my other spells. I liked the story though. And they Keyword system that most disliked, I enjoyed. It felt like that instead of being told what to do, I had to learn new info to actually communicate with the NPC's. I wish it had stayed to be fair.

I dont like FF III. I could bare playing it. I just straight up did not enjoy any time spent playing it.

I love FF IV. I played the GBA and PSP version, both very fun. I enjoyed the After Years series and the Interlude included in the PSP version. Story was great with lots of twists and turns and pulled on my heart strings a lot more than the previous entity. This was when the stories started getting good.

I loved FF V. Again, I felt attached to the characters and the job system was phenomenal. So many combinations were available since you could carry skills over. Lots of replay-ability here for me. Also the lead male in Japanese is called Butz. Yea.

I didn't like FF VI. A lot of people have a major hard-on for this game but I didn't enjoy it that much. The class specific characters were cool but it took away a level of depth for me. The story was fantastic but I didn't like how easy it was to miss entire characters. I missed my favorite character because I didn't know he would appear to rescue me in a near-death situation if I let the timer hit 0. Come on. Not cool.

I like FF VII. Albeit all the mega hype, it was pretty fun. Materia system was great and the in battle graphics were pretty sweet to look at. Story was pretty rad too.

I love FFVIII. My first Final Fantasy. I loved the characters (including Zell) and I really enjoyed the stat progression system and how your Guardian Forces could learn skills. The game looks lovely (I still think so to this day) and the open ended theories as to what the hell actually happened is pretty sweet too. (Squall dies at the end of Disc 1 guys.)

My favorite is Final Fantasy IX. When someone mentions Final Fantasy, this is what I think of first. IX is everything I imagine a Final Fantasy game should be. The characters are different yet lovable, it has a phenomenal story and character development, the battle system was great as was the new Trance system. The revelations of the cheery main character was brilliant and although the game seems light hearted and kid like at the surface, the story is in fact quite dark and depressing. My favorite Final Fantasy of all time.

I love FF X. I loved how you could switch characters mid-battle(Something I had always wanted, it's not like the rest of them stood there and did nothing). The HAHAHAHAHA I would rather not mention but again the conflicts and character progression and revelations and narrative of this game were fantastic too. creating and modifying items, and the little weapon effects (like bubbles around the blade for waterstrike) were pretty awesome.

I love FF X-2. Call me blasphemous or whatever, I love sequels. I always like a "What would happen next?" Kind of scenario and the dresssphere system reminded of the class system of FFV and all the extra content to unlock and see was great for a completionist like me. I enjoyed the chaining of attacks in battle to increase damage, the system felt fluent and lovely to look at. The nods to the previous game were pretty awesome too (like how Yuna wields her sword like Tidus does when she is in Warrior class.)

I didn't like FF XII. I didn't hate it and I'm not bashing on it, it is not an awful game, it just wasn't my cup of tea. The battle system felt clunky to me, like it couldn't decide if it wanted to be real-time or turn based. It just didn't feel fluent. The story reminded me too much of star wars and I couldn't relate to or enjoy the presence of any of the characters. Probably my least favorite.

I love FFXIII. Again, call me blasphemous if you wish. I really enjoyed the story and didn't find it as confusing as most people did. I enjoyed the characters progression and I didn't hate hope. Poor kid was 14 in the middle of a war and saw his mother plummet to his death, give him a break. I wish the interaction between him and Snow could have been done better because it would've been a very defining moment but it just seemed like they wanted it out of the way. Lightning, despite popular belief, DID develop as a character too. And Sazh is Sazh. So yea.

I loved FFXIII-2. Oh boy, Sequel again. I really enjoyed the story. Honestly I thought it was pretty cool. People thought it was dumb how the future changes the past but it made sense to me and it was something new and different to the whole time travelling aspect. The paradox endings were pretty frikkin sweet and some of made me go "Oh dear god what have I done?" at some point. I was disappointed about how quickly I reach level 99. If I don't have anymore progression to work towards other than collectibles, then I lose my drive to play the game. I really enjoyed the battle system in both of the XIII games even though it was slightly similar to FF XII, it was a lot more fluent and felt a lot more natural. I didn't like the auto-battle function though. That wasn't cool.

There, every FF game I either like or dislike that I have played of the main series not including tactics and what not. It's pretty concise and they're is definitely more I could add, but yea.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Memory Skyscraper
I like Final Fantasy I. First in the series and gave birth to what we have today. I've played the GBA and PSP version. I remember playing through with all White Mages to challenge myself. What a chore. Still fun though.

I'm on edge about Final Fantasy II. I didn't like the broken stat progression (Not high enough HP? Hurt your own team and it'll increase!) and the magic levelling system was stupid. When I obtained Ultima I never used it coz it took forever to level up and was far weaker than my other spells. I liked the story though. And they Keyword system that most disliked, I enjoyed. It felt like that instead of being told what to do, I had to learn new info to actually communicate with the NPC's. I wish it had stayed to be fair.

I dont like FF III. I could bare playing it. I just straight up did not enjoy any time spent playing it.

I love FF IV. I played the GBA and PSP version, both very fun. I enjoyed the After Years series and the Interlude included in the PSP version. Story was great with lots of twists and turns and pulled on my heart strings a lot more than the previous entity. This was when the stories started getting good.

I loved FF V. Again, I felt attached to the characters and the job system was phenomenal. So many combinations were available since you could carry skills over. Lots of replay-ability here for me. Also the lead male in Japanese is called Butz. Yea.

I didn't like FF VI. A lot of people have a major hard-on for this game but I didn't enjoy it that much. The class specific characters were cool but it took away a level of depth for me. The story was fantastic but I didn't like how easy it was to miss entire characters. I missed my favorite character because I didn't know he would appear to rescue me in a near-death situation if I let the timer hit 0. Come on. Not cool.

I like FF VII. Albeit all the mega hype, it was pretty fun. Materia system was great and the in battle graphics were pretty sweet to look at. Story was pretty rad too.

I love FFVIII. My first Final Fantasy. I loved the characters (including Zell) and I really enjoyed the stat progression system and how your Guardian Forces could learn skills. The game looks lovely (I still think so to this day) and the open ended theories as to what the hell actually happened is pretty sweet too. (Squall dies at the end of Disc 1 guys.)

My favorite is Final Fantasy IX. When someone mentions Final Fantasy, this is what I think of first. IX is everything I imagine a Final Fantasy game should be. The characters are different yet lovable, it has a phenomenal story and character development, the battle system was great as was the new Trance system. The revelations of the cheery main character was brilliant and although the game seems light hearted and kid like at the surface, the story is in fact quite dark and depressing. My favorite Final Fantasy of all time.

I love FF X. I loved how you could switch characters mid-battle(Something I had always wanted, it's not like the rest of them stood there and did nothing). The HAHAHAHAHA I would rather not mention but again the conflicts and character progression and revelations and narrative of this game were fantastic too. creating and modifying items, and the little weapon effects (like bubbles around the blade for waterstrike) were pretty awesome.

I love FF X-2. Call me blasphemous or whatever, I love sequels. I always like a "What would happen next?" Kind of scenario and the dresssphere system reminded of the class system of FFV and all the extra content to unlock and see was great for a completionist like me. I enjoyed the chaining of attacks in battle to increase damage, the system felt fluent and lovely to look at. The nods to the previous game were pretty awesome too (like how Yuna wields her sword like Tidus does when she is in Warrior class.)

I didn't like FF XII. I didn't hate it and I'm not bashing on it, it is not an awful game, it just wasn't my cup of tea. The battle system felt clunky to me, like it couldn't decide if it wanted to be real-time or turn based. It just didn't feel fluent. The story reminded me too much of star wars and I couldn't relate to or enjoy the presence of any of the characters. Probably my least favorite.

I love FFXIII. Again, call me blasphemous if you wish. I really enjoyed the story and didn't find it as confusing as most people did. I enjoyed the characters progression and I didn't hate hope. Poor kid was 14 in the middle of a war and saw his mother plummet to his death, give him a break. I wish the interaction between him and Snow could have been done better because it would've been a very defining moment but it just seemed like they wanted it out of the way. Lightning, despite popular belief, DID develop as a character too. And Sazh is Sazh. So yea.

I loved FFXIII-2. Oh boy, Sequel again. I really enjoyed the story. Honestly I thought it was pretty cool. People thought it was dumb how the future changes the past but it made sense to me and it was something new and different to the whole time travelling aspect. The paradox endings were pretty frikkin sweet and some of made me go "Oh dear god what have I done?" at some point. I was disappointed about how quickly I reach level 99. If I don't have anymore progression to work towards other than collectibles, then I lose my drive to play the game. I really enjoyed the battle system in both of the XIII games even though it was slightly similar to FF XII, it was a lot more fluent and felt a lot more natural. I didn't like the auto-battle function though. That wasn't cool.

There, every FF game I either like or dislike that I have played of the main series not including tactics and what not. It's pretty concise and they're is definitely more I could add, but yea.

Wow I'm not the only human being on the planet who actually thinks Final Fantasy 8 is a good game.


Apr 28, 2005
Wow I'm not the only human being on the planet who actually thinks Final Fantasy 8 is a good game.

Naw FF8 gets bashed so much because of the previous game before it. I've never played it like I haven't played 7 or 9, but I do think this tends to be the case.


this guy are sick
Jul 27, 2004
8 is pretty terrible i mean just fucking look at selphie HAHAHA


New member
Nov 26, 2011
VIII is a fantastic game, it just couldn't live upto wild expectations fans had after VII was released.


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Dec 24, 2007
Reykjav?k, Iceland
I have always loved FF8, but maybe that's because it's the first FF game I played, so the hype never ruined anything at all for me. I was only 8 back then and I had been playing a lot of Pokémon, so this was to me like a Pokémon game with super awesome graphics.


New member
May 25, 2012
I like Final Fantasy games expect for FF XII, FF XII and FF XIV.

Basically FF XII and the online games.

8 is pretty terrible i mean just fucking look at selphie HAHAHA

I love Final Fantasy 8 and Selphie what's wrong with her ? She was cheerful, fun and outgoing.


New member
May 25, 2012
Vəntus;5897990 said:
FFVIII is a beautiful game, I think that's all there is to say on the subject, lol.

I agree ! Though all of the Final Fantasy games are beautiful expect FF XII that was..

dragon ball zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz lmfao

In otherwise it was so boring I fell asleep on the sofa rofls.


New member
May 25, 2012
xii was great

If you liked xii then that's okay. It just wasn't for me personally.

I felt like it had pointless characters that didn't have much of a personality and the story wasn't that all exciting; Vayne was a boring villain to add into the mix. Vaan and Penelo felt like tag-alongs instead of being the leading main character and the MC's childhood best friend. It felt really empty compared to the Final Fantasy games before and after it ( xiii)