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Some stuff with Secret Report 12



Well-known member
Sep 7, 2019
I hadn't thought about this when reading them originally, and reading them to figure out something in a completely different topic led to this.

Even on a worldline with no Keyblade War, peace is but a dream. In the absence of us and our Master, a "darkness" arrived—one that shall surely lead the World to yet another demise. Amid the chaos, I bequeathed my Keyblade to one of the Union leaders, just as the Master instructed. I watched as the Five were sent to another worldline—at no small cost—ensuring the line of Keyblade wielders will live on. And now, Keybladeless, I must depart this land to fulfill my final task. This means casting my own body aside and sojourning my heart in vessel after vessel—as many as it takes.But I will continue gazing upon each passing era, one unto the next. In time, be it years or decades, centuries or millennia, I will meet the Five once more. Somewhere in this cyclical history of bequeathings, a chosen one will appear and reenact the Keyblade War. When this scapegoat arrives and takes my Keyblade in hand, this will be the time to take the stage and finish my role. The Lost Masters will awaken.

This kinda got me thinking:

  • What worldline is Luxu referring to in the first sentence? Is it just an example or has he peeked into other ones?
  • He gave No Name (also called Gazing Eye) to one of the five new union leaders before they went to another worldline, which begs the question of how did it get back to this one? Especially since I believe that jump was the second one they did that was mentioned in Report 11:
The virus has begun a strange undertaking: a reckless plot to allow the Five to escape into another worldline. Surely such a thing can't be possible? We're talking about the same trick that allowed the Dandelions to transfer to other worldlines after the Keyblade War.

Thinking about it as I made this post, I'm leaning towards the first point just being an example. The second point however makes me very curious about what's going to happen next in UX and The World Ends With Verum Rex.


Dyslexic rambler
Dec 5, 2009
Well from the sounds of it Chi and Unchained Chi both happened in different world lines, while the story we've been following is yet in another. At least that's how I understood it, but honestly it doesn't make sense to me.

Not sure if the Datascape Unchained Chi & Union Cross take place in are considered a World line of it the computer on which the Datascape exists is the other worldline.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2018
Well from the sounds of it Chi and Unchained Chi both happened in different world lines, while the story we've been following is yet in another. At least that's how I understood it, but honestly it doesn't make sense to me.

Not sure if the Datascape Unchained Chi & Union Cross take place in are considered a World line of it the computer on which the Datascape exists is the other worldline.
Well, since we can take "worldline" to mean alternate timeline, I'm not sure that the Datascape would constitute a separate worldline. Perhaps it could be considered its own Realm, but that's about as far as I'd be willing to go.
I'm not really sure what Xigbar could have meant when he said that. We never actually see the Dandelions travel to an alternate timeline—all we've ever heard about them is that they were transported to the Unchained realm, which I'm starting to believe is not actually the Sleeping Realm as we've been led to believe, but was actually the Datascape this entire time. In either case, it doesn't appear that they've actually hopped onto another worldline. Maybe that happens at the end of Union X, and Xigbar's mentioning of that was just foreshadowing for what's to come in that title. But then, that would render the first sentence where he mentions it having already happened nonsensical. First off, what he's saying would imply that the Union leaders and the Dandelions are already in an alternate timeline where the Keyblade War never happened. But all the events in Union X are suggesting that they're just trapped in a data world INSIDE the real world. And if the implication is supposed to be that they're actually trapped inside a data world INSIDE OF AN ALTERNATE REALITY, then 1) that's just too much ridiculousness, even for Kingdom Hearts, and 2) it doesn't make any sense why that would need to have been done. The Keyblade War has already been unwritten in the Data Daybreak Town; having that data world also be stored in a world with the same timeline change is just redundant.
I really am not sure what to make of it, to be honest. Part of me believes we've simply been misinterpreting the term "worldline" all this time to mean "alternate timeline" because of such usage in countless other works of science fiction and in quantum physics. But maybe that was a mistake, and maybe it actually just means another dimension, like the Datascape or the Sleeping Realm.
Frankly, the way Union X's story is handled is such an irredeemable dumpster fire that I can barely tell what's even going on with it half the time, and I'm no dunce. So little time in the game is actually devoted to showing or explaining anything that's going on—Unchained X was basically just a retread of X, and so timeline-wise none of it even mattered, and the only things of relevance to ever happen in Union X are Strelitzia getting killed, the Union leaders talking with each other around a table fifty times, or just now the invasion of the Bug Blox into Daybreak Town with the subsequent trip to Game Central Station. Those are literally the only events of significance in the entire game so far, and it's just not feasible for understanding the broader setting of the narrative.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
UX taking place in the Sleeping Realm theory was more fanon than canon, anyway. Most of it was based on really old dialogue that's no longer consistent with the rest of the story. The early parts of the game could honestly use a re-translation.


Dyslexic rambler
Dec 5, 2009
I would argue, from what we saw from KH2, Coded and Union Cross, that you could cound almost count the datascape as an alternative universe. It has it's own fully functional inhabitants and the worlds behave a lot like real ones.

Still Luxu stated that the dandelions all changed world lines to a place where the war never happened. He also hinted that the leaders would later do another worldline jump. Seeing we've seen 2 of the leaders in modern time I'm guessing it's our main worldline thex get to.


Active member
Aug 2, 2008
Until more information on what "worldline" means, I feel like I can't even properly analyze a good chunk of all this stuff.

It seems we have the original worldline - which has the keyblade war, and then this other virtual worldline that is created which the dandelions and what not escape to. Luxu gives his keyblade to one of them, and watches from afar.

But that's confusing - because we've seen Luxu in what we assumed was the Real Worldline... which the keyblade war DID happen, and everyone remembers. The virtual worldine is the one where it didn't happen, but something dark is happening anyway.


New member
Dec 7, 2019
Maybe its a case of history repeating itself? You can't change fate, destiny and all that?

Truthfully, I think the term worldline was first used before Nomura and co. decided it meant alternate timelines/ multiverse, which is the cause of confusion. I'm fairly sure now it means alternate timelines/ multiverse stuff, hence why someone like Yozora is a actual factual character that Sora and Co will come across instead of just a video game character.

Now, if it doesn't mean these things... then I have no idea. The data world is one where the keyblade war doesn't happen... but why is it important? Why does it fall under the MOM plans? Likely as an excuse to get certain characters to certain places for future events. This rabbit hole gets longer the deeper you go.