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News ► Rumour: A World Based on Frozen 2 Reportedly Considered for Kingdom Hearts 4


the red monster

Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
am of the opinion that Kingdom Hearts needs to start pushing the ratio of worlds in the favour of original worlds, not Disney ones. It doesn't need them any longer.
the original stuff is so much better and interesting, for me the disney worlds are just fillers and i mostly speedrun them. i enjoy them for what they are, but i don't really care about their plot. KH3 made them a bit better but still meh and took too much focus from the actual main plot.
50/50 would be the sweet spot.

Ballad of Caius

Player 💀
Jan 4, 2014
I think you misunderstood me or maybe i just wasn't clear. I think that KH games will always prioritize the realization of the Disney Worlds for the main games release.

Meaning that the original conetent we fans are mostly here for will tend to get the short end of the stick and might be religated to most being realized in the DLC. Which would be a shame if all the meaning ful interactions and story beats are,behind an additional paywall.
Like I said: I think original content wasn't as prioritized as Disney is because more of the content they had to cut due to the one year (or more) of dev time they loss.

As to KH changing its Disney formula: I presume that years from now we may start to see more original worlds than Disney ones, or Disney will be more flexible and the KH team will have more creativity in terms of delivering more original content in Disney worlds.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
I'm hoping for more flexible from Disney. I want the Disney elements of the world to better help the overall plot of Kingdom Hearts. I would name examples but I feel like I would just be a broken record at this point. In short when I go to a Disney world in a future KH game I want it to truly impact the plot, and for something important to happen. Remember when Sora found Kairi on Hook's pirate ship?
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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2019
I'm hoping for more flexible from Disney. I want the Disney elements of the world to better help the overall plot of Kingdom Hearts.I would name examples but I feel like I would just be a broken record at this point. In short when I go to a Disney world in a future KH game I want it to truly impact the plot, and for something important to happen. Remember when Sora found Kairi on Hook's pirate ship?

Unfortunately the fandom seems to have grow around the idea that more original worlds = more freedom and story, when the KH game with the most plot and less convoluted elements was the very first one that only featured three original worlds (four if we consider the last one a full fledged world, which I personally don't).

I have also talked about this in another thread, but I seriously doubt the lack of "meat" in Disney worlds is completely on Disney Side, but more so on the development team itself deciding to throw story bits in cutscenes and inbetween worlds to leave more freedom to the order in which we tackle worlds.

I personally don't really care for more original worlds when we have barely used the ones we have; Radiant Garden was barely playable, Skaia and Daybreak are both a joke, Twilight Town is just a hub world with a barebones mansion. I just want to see more Final Fantasy characters doing their thing again, I was really unhappy when neither Lightning nor Noctis showed up in 3 (well, Noctis kinda did in both Riku's new design and Yozora, I guess? lol).

I don't really care if the story for the Frozen 2 world is really strict again as long as the world itself is fun. KH3 features ridiculously oversized worlds but there are barely any secrets in them. Give us secret bosses, post-game secrets, anything besides the Hidden Mickeys and farming materials, really. lol


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
Unfortunately the fandom seems to have grow around the idea that more original worlds = more freedom and story, when the KH game with the most plot and less convoluted elements was the very first one that only featured three original worlds (four if we consider the last one a full fledged world, which I personally don't).

I have also talked about this in another thread, but I seriously doubt the lack of "meat" in Disney worlds is completely on Disney Side, but more so on the development team itself deciding to throw story bits in cutscenes and inbetween worlds to leave more freedom to the order in which we tackle worlds.

I personally don't really care for more original worlds when we have barely used the ones we have; Radiant Garden was barely playable, Skaia and Daybreak are both a joke, Twilight Town is just a hub world with a barebones mansion. I just want to see more Final Fantasy characters doing their thing again, I was really unhappy when neither Lightning nor Noctis showed up in 3 (well, Noctis kinda did in both Riku's new design and Yozora, I guess? lol).

I don't really care if the story for the Frozen 2 world is really strict again as long as the world itself is fun. KH3 features ridiculously oversized worlds but there are barely any secrets in them. Give us secret bosses, post-game secrets, anything besides the Hidden Mickeys and farming materials, really. lol
I'm still pretty neutral on the Final Fantasy characters. I'd like appearances, of course, but I won't get upset if they don't appear. KH has more then enough original characters that cover it.

But for the Disney side of things, I just want them to play a more important role. Have the Disney villains truly working with the KH original villains to better connect the story, instead of just coming into a movie plot that has little to do with what is happening in the core game. Because that's where the feeling of filler comes from. Looking at you, Pride Lands!


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2019
I'm still pretty neutral on the Final Fantasy characters. I'd like appearances, of course, but I won't get upset if they don't appear. KH has more then enough original characters that cover it.

But for the Disney side of things, I just want them to play a more important role. Have the Disney villains truly working with the KH original villains to better connect the story, instead of just coming into a movie plot that has little to do with what is happening in the core game. Because that's where the feeling of filler comes from. Looking at you, Pride Lands!

I disagree. While we have a lot of original KH characters at this point, they all have very specific mainstory rules, while the FF ones used to add substance and a fun twist in the Disney worlds, making even the most monotonous ones a bit more interesting because of them.

We can't really have Hayner, Pence and Olette in Agrabah, for one, but we could have had Locke from FFVI or Snow Villiers from FFXIII in Arandelle.

Olympus Coliseum was a drag, but it brought us Cloud with a really cool unique design, and then later Auron and Zack.

For me, personally, it's about how they allow us to have a cool new twist over the stories we know by heart. The mobile games kinda did this (specially Dark Road), but it's not really the same over there.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
I disagree. While we have a lot of original KH characters at this point, they all have very specific mainstory rules, while the FF ones used to add substance and a fun twist in the Disney worlds, making even the most monotonous ones a bit more interesting because of them.

We can't really have Hayner, Pence and Olette in Agrabah, for one, but we could have had Locke from FFVI or Snow Villiers from FFXIII in Arandelle.

Olympus Coliseum was a drag, but it brought us Cloud with a really cool unique design, and then later Auron and Zack.

For me, personally, it's about how they allow us to have a cool new twist over the stories we know by heart. The mobile games kinda did this (specially Dark Road), but it's not really the same over there.
Hey, who says Hayner, Pence, and Olette can't go to Agrabah? Now that they've broken the world order and went to another world, they are official world jumpers now. Next time we go to Agrabah I expect to see all three there. Olette can be the local belly dancer, Pence can be a fire breather, and Hayner can be the one to cut off people's arms for stealing. Or just cut off their ears if he doesn't like their face, it's up to him.


Dyslexic rambler
Dec 5, 2009
I think the FF chatacters just bring a different energy with them. The interaction between Yuffie and Cid is unlike any we had among the original characters.

Also like @Noivern said it's just kind of fun to see how they'd be reimagined to fit with a given Disney World, something we sadly didn't get to see that much in the series so far.

Like I said: I think original content wasn't as prioritized as Disney is because more of the content they had to cut due to the one year (or more) of dev time they loss.

As to KH changing its Disney formula: I presume that years from now we may start to see more original worlds than Disney ones, or Disney will be more flexible and the KH team will have more creativity in terms of delivering more original content in Disney worlds.
Yeah, my point is just that when in a pinch like they ended up being with KH3, the Disney Worlds would be top priority. Not saying they're always going to be as neglected as they were in 3, but that because they are the big selling point, that SE will put the focus on them.

Hopefully they will start delivering more plot in the Disney Worlds or at least develop the universe and characters in them. I feel KH3 had worlds that were a step in the right direction.


Active member
Mar 15, 2015
No. To the best of my memories, Toy Story has been a property that Nomura has been wanting to implement ever since the very first KH game. Other titles he's been trying to put in have been the Jungle Book and Treasure Planet.
I could've sworn there was interview where he said that was the reason... can anyone back me up on this? An interview where Nomura said KH3 was put-off so much because he wouldn't do it until he could put Toy Story in the game.

Besides that point, KH3 took a long time to come out since it's announcement way back in 2013 because they lost, allegedly, a year worth of dev time (some of us argue that they lost a lot more, considering how butchered the original properties of KH are).
I didn't really mean why it took so long to come out after being announced in 2013, but just why it took so long to be announced in general.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
“For me, because I wanted to put this world into [Kingdom Hearts] since KH2, I am deeply moved that it’s actually happened,” Nomura told Famitsu. Nomura added felt a Toy Story world was “absolutely necessary” for Kingdom Hearts 3 and explained that he began talking about the possibility of doing something with Toy Story while making the first Kingdom Hearts! So, for example, when Pixar’s John Lasseter came to Japan, Nomura met with him to discuss this. Lasseter asked him how he planned to bring Toy Story to KH, and Nomura explained his vision. Years later, it finally happened.

“It’s taken a long time,” Nomura told Famitsu, with a chuckle.

Toy Story and Kingdom Hearts feel like a natural fit, and it's an IP that has been pushed for the game ever since the original Kingdom Hearts. For Nomura, Kingdom Hearts III would not have ever been made if Toy Story had not been approved for use.

Edge Magazine issue #328

Both statements are true so everyone is happy :). Nomura had wanted Toy Story since the early games and wouldn’t have made 3 without it.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2020
To be honest, I kind of expected it. Don't forget, some of the new princesses still are unaccounted for, and so far, Tiana, Merida, and Moana can fill in those gaps as they're already Disney Princesses, but the story of the new princesses obviously isn't over, so delving into sequel films isn't a stretch, especially if said film actually managed to be a success and didn't fall into the "sequel curse."

I am definitely not ready to buy a PS5 yet. I bought a PS3 for KH, turned out that the new numbered title skips a generation and all the games in that time were handheld. Lesson learned. I'll wait until there is a confirmation of a IV on PS5.

I do wonder if they'll really switch to UE5. That demo was gorgeous, and honestly, Luminous Engine was not worth the time. XV came out way past its initial announcement and it was still buggy as hell. I'm not looking forward to Project Athia...


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
I bought a PS3 for KH, turned out that the new numbered title skips a generation and all the games in that time were handheld. Lesson learned. I'll wait until there is a confirmation of a IV on PS5.
Same thing happened to me. But at least there were the ReMIXes and some other non-KH games I've played on PS3, so I don't feel too angry about it in retrospect.


Dyslexic rambler
Dec 5, 2009
To be honest, I kind of expected it. Don't forget, some of the new princesses still are unaccounted for, and so far, Tiana, Merida, and Moana can fill in those gaps as they're already Disney Princesses, but the story of the new princesses obviously isn't over, so delving into sequel films isn't a stretch, especially if said film actually managed to be a success and didn't fall into the "sequel curse."

I am definitely not ready to buy a PS5 yet. I bought a PS3 for KH, turned out that the new numbered title skips a generation and all the games in that time were handheld. Lesson learned. I'll wait until there is a confirmation of a IV on PS5.

I do wonder if they'll really switch to UE5. That demo was gorgeous, and honestly, Luminous Engine was not worth the time. XV came out way past its initial announcement and it was still buggy as hell. I'm not looking forward to Project Athia...
I made that mistake twice. Once with the PS3 thinking it'd get KH3 and once with the PS Vita thinking that BBSv2 was definitely going to release on that... I was wrong both times. Luckily both consoles had enough other games to make them worth while, but I did learn my lesson to not buy until there's a game I really badly want for it.

Ballad of Caius

Player 💀
Jan 4, 2014
but just why it took so long to be announced in general.
Kingdom Hearts III was always on Nomura's head, just that that they were preoccupied developing that other stories that needed to be told before KHIII.

Both statements are true so everyone is happy :). Nomura had wanted Toy Story since the early games and wouldn’t have made 3 without it.
Ah, now I remember. Thanks for sharing, Sign.

I do wonder if they'll really switch to UE5.
If KHIV is multiplat, then no. If it's next gen exclusive, then yes.

XV came out way past its initial announcement and it was still buggy as hell.
We can't really compare FFXV with KH3. FINAL FANTASY 15 was an open-world game that had to be developed under three years; KH3 had a reasonable amount of time with experienced devs.

I'm not looking forward to Project Athia...
I'm sorta looking forward to Athia, even though it looks like a Black Mage FF15 mode game.

Somnus cealum

Active member
Sep 8, 2020
Daybreak town
i agree that frozen in kh3 was not good but if this is true, i hope it was way better then it was in kh3. i love frozen and i hope they do good in kh4