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  • tru, true, i agree. look up online the deep dive level in kh1. thats what its called. anyway ok maybe instead of just playing with mickey, you would be able to play as either one, or play in a party, like how you play with donald and goofy. or you can play as one first, and then after that scenario is done, you can play as the other. kind of like reverse rebirth in C.O.M, and RE:C.O.M.
    ok, this is what i think...i came up with a good prediction. ok so a first off, i think everyone already knows that deep dive was soras first world in kh 1. it was the place with all of those stained glass platforms. Soras was called deep dive, and roxas's was called station of awakening. if you dont believe me that it was called deep dive, then go buy the kingdom hearts 1 strategy guide and see. just because its not listed as a world to visit in kh 1 doesnt mean its not named. anyway... i think that another dive will have something to do with king mickey in the realm of darkness. Basically what i think theyll do is that theyll let us play as mickey throughout the realm of darkness, and maybe some other worlds or whatever. i think that we will find out more of what happened while riku and mickey were in the realm of darkness. i also think that it might have some connection to that door in destiny islands, in the hidden cove.
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