M M Muse Apr 15, 2009 No, I was thinking that it might not be that much of a coincidence. People calling me Queen Rali and whatnot.
No, I was thinking that it might not be that much of a coincidence. People calling me Queen Rali and whatnot.
M M Muse Apr 15, 2009 =_= You've visited my fanclub, haven't you? Them calling it a kingdom and whatnot...
C C Captain Yoyo Mar 11, 2009 good thankyou thankYOU 4 asking whats your avatar its looks pretty cool
vivi_07 Mar 7, 2009 Thats good! Yeah somtimes it can be totally off the subject. Im okay and bored. Their's nothing to do. How about you anything new lately?
Thats good! Yeah somtimes it can be totally off the subject. Im okay and bored. Their's nothing to do. How about you anything new lately?