This was fortunately one of the first kind, lol.
The only annoying thing I found with KH Final Mix HD so far is some of those new Heartless as they are fucking weird to beat. I defeated all the secret bosses except Xemnas already, Sephiroth even without an Elixir, but some of these new Heartless have a high annoyance-factor, especially that Monkey-girl in Traverse, the Black Ballade in Deep Jungle (I hate guessing games) and that new green mushroom. The first time I met that thing I didn't even know what to do with it.
I was like "WTF do you want me to do, big mushroom?" as he just sits there and dances, lol.
It's still three chapters I guess, as there are also some parts I haven't yet transformed into chapter style. Soon enough I will have to continue writing or risk a hiatus, *ggg*.
Depends on if I manage to get myself away from KH HD 1.5 in the few free time I have between work. ^__^