None taken.

And my share of intelligent teachers who know what they're doing but fail miserably at getting others to be the same makes me very aware of the difference between teaching and knowing. XD
I absolutely love the idea. It's like a fun version of The Roleplaying Academy. I will definitely pop in for a few classes myself when this is uploaded. Are you going to teach every class yourself? Sounds like a massive responsibility and a daunting task. I would offer my help, but I doubt my knowledge is specific enough to roleplaying to make me a good teacher; I've only signed up to mentor grammar and diction type things in the Academy, nothing like character development. You've gone and hyped me up for this; you have to follow this through now! XD
Hang on, you said you'll be giving Bonechill an assignment. The thread isn't even up yet. How can he have an assignment without a school? Or are you having private tuitions as well? XD
Notice I said "quality" rather than "quantity"? The thing I find about long posts--in own encounters at any rate; I don't claim to know anything about the post quality the people I haven't roleplayed with yet--is that they often spend the better part of it simply paraphrasing what I say. It thoroughly vexes me because I already know what happened. Just get to the part where you come in with your responses to it, or add some modicum of your own interpretation; don't come to me with a rephrase of what I wrote. A shorter post with refined ideas is better than an endless drivel that contributes nothing new.
People should only write the amount they feel comfortable with but strive to make whatever they write the best they have written.
Honestly, I think elitism may possibly have something to do with the general disdain for the battle section newcomers feel. No one joins their threads. :/ That happened to me in the past. I don't know. Right now, it feels like I'm making elitism the devil, that everything wrong in the world is because of it. XD