I do leave it in, but of course with my batter being several years old and not enough money to replace it tends to make me sure to check if it's plugged in or not. Plus, the hole that keeps the plug in is kinda broke (it was totally an accident from me getting up too hastily and tripping over it, causing that damage.. T_T), so it doesn't help much.
Absolutely true that no one's perfect. ^_^
Yes, yes, you did. And I'm sure your hands will require some rest or ice.. Either one works just fine.
Oh, just so you know: I'm little over-hyped right now due to seeing the new Flash episode that came on a while ago on the CW. I don't know if you watch it or not, but my Kupo; That episode was so full of awesome thing including the reveal (which I knew after the mid-season finale) of who is the Reverse-Flash and TIME TRAVEL!!! Geez, why can't next Tuesday come here already?!