Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Yeah, why don't stage a training session between Chiyu and Derrick for a minimum of just 10 posts for the each of us. You can go lower if you want to wager
HA. I figured it out! It's Ad-Hoc only instead of this thing called Infrastructure, so you can only play against people locally. That sucks .-. You can change it with some software, though. D:
ZIDANE CAN FIGHT (...and get pwned by .-.) TIDUS NOW. Uhh... What's your name on there? ^^; I think I need that, but I dunno how the whole thing works yet...
The only thing I really have in mind is just random sketches, mostly general art of all of the characters. XD; Maaaaybe chibis... It would definitely be a sketchdump or something along those lines.