Sparks Mar 2, 2010 *huggles* Your welcome!! and whats your favorite epic quote by him, I need it for the text >:3 and ugh I hate it when youtube does that!!
*huggles* Your welcome!! and whats your favorite epic quote by him, I need it for the text >:3 and ugh I hate it when youtube does that!!
Sparks Mar 1, 2010 OMG I LOVE HIM!!! you zetta sons of digits!! SO-CAH-TOA xD i'll try to work on it today or tommarrow.
OMG I LOVE HIM!!! you zetta sons of digits!! SO-CAH-TOA xD i'll try to work on it today or tommarrow.
K K KH Fan Girl Feb 28, 2010 lol kk! heres my youtube account --> o and ch.4 is up! XDD its kinda long :o ---->
lol kk! heres my youtube account --> o and ch.4 is up! XDD its kinda long :o ---->
huanglulu Feb 28, 2010 Cool i want to go to do they have an additional ticket for me to go there too??
Esso Feb 27, 2010 There was a recent earthquake in Chile magnitude 8.8 There was a recent earthquake in Chile magnitude 8.8
Oriax Feb 27, 2010 Yush, I gave up :/ lol xD I might try again when I can be bothered ^_^ So how are you??
Oriax Feb 27, 2010 Well, I tried making one and gave up after several failed attemps so I found this one on the internet - it said it was free so's it's okai ^_^;;
Well, I tried making one and gave up after several failed attemps so I found this one on the internet - it said it was free so's it's okai ^_^;;