Axel's girl1312 Apr 9, 2010 I love it!!! your awsome to just like RisingDawnStar.she my friend who does it too.
AxelYoYo Apr 9, 2010 I wish I WAS Axel,that would be cool,but I'm not. I'm just a normal girl...on Earth.T_T
3keybladewielder Apr 9, 2010 *they are turned into data as they get near me* *burns all 12 org members*
3keybladewielder Apr 9, 2010 *ties u to a spinning dart board and has xemmnas throw flaming axel's chakrams at u*
AxelYoYo Apr 9, 2010 Yeah... But I'm cool with it. Heh,I can be very un-nice to HIM if I wanted to(which should be soon)