I wanted to love Aqua. So badly. Wanted her to be likeable. But then came Terra's scenario and the Radiant Garden scenes and I was all what is this I don't even-.
I hoped she'd get better but then came the Keyblade Graveyard and I got officially annoyed.
Ven's scenario gave me a tiny bit of hope when Ven told her she was awful but I remembered how she acted in the Keyblade Graveyard and knew she won't learn anything from that.
I somehow wished she'd get SOME reasoning behind her actions beyond being a dense, hard-headed Light zealot but sadly, that wasn't the case. She's rather stupid in my book and quite a terrible friend who needs to get a clue. The fairy godmother told her at the very start of her scenario the same thing Yen Sid told her at the very end, and that if she'd have listened to it Terra might've been saved since way I see it, RG had a lot to do with his descent into Darkness, and that had a lot to do with Aqua's role in that scene. Now we needed Terra to fall to the Darkness, but gods. Find a better way to do it, or at least write Aqua better when you pull this off.
tl;dr I don't like Aqua. About the biggest thing she explained being Castle Oblivion was about the one thing I think we could've actually lived without. Granted I'm pretty sure they'll revert it in the next installments and all but I just don't feel it, man. It really felt like they were grasping for SOME importance to shove into her. The same with what happened with Kairi. :v
That's why I still count RAX > SRK. Because you have two remotely operating relationships (Xion-Roxas, Xion-Axel) compared to the lone SoRi in SRK. And AkuRoku, despite falling apart and burning in glorious flames of hellfire, I can still somehow understand where they're coming from. I can't forgive Roxas for the life of me but I do keep in mind the kid's mentally less than a year old so it's no small miracle he came this far on his own. :v
Better by far than what we have with Riku and Kairi (going as far as seemingly dysfunctional relationships go) since we at least saw it unfold. So even if they do hate each other - which we saw in KH2 that they didn't, really - I know and understand why.