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  • hahaha I know right! I found it on that tumblr place the day after that episode aired. There was all kinds of funny images. xD

    But does that make people shrink that much? o_0 My grandpa is near 70 and a giant.
    Well it's due to how vast the swamp is that maybe we didn't see the village i the first show? =3

    I see. =3 Japan would be a good place to go. I'd like to see those pink trees. 8D
    I seen on a history channel that the old buildings of Japan are build in such a way that they sway with earthquakes which is why a lot of old temples and such are still standing. =O

    Ohhh I see. =O Your paid by image like a freelance artist. Hmm....perhaps you could just ask your lecturer what he thinks your drawings are worth? That's all you need to know right? I wouldn't drop this company and look for others since it's payment for each drawing you make. I mean still look around but don't give up on this one either. =3
    What's a CV?

    I'm not sure what the price is on it yet actually.

    It's just a read mark now. 8D I still can't wear normal pants yet cause it rubs the area bad but at least I can start driving again tomorrow. ;A;
    Blu? Thank you for using my acc for so long ♥ You don't need to do them missions from now on, but if you could just get the login bonus and the potions from the shop it would be great >< No missions, okay? Thanks a lot (I'm speaking thru here cause the pc I'm using now doesn't allow fb >_>)
    This gave me feels. ;A;

    Likely so, we didn't even have hints she was alive till Book 3. I do to, I also wonder how she went from growing as tall as Aang to shrinking back down to her normal height. xD
    In the first avatar series, The Last Airbender, they go to a spiritual swamp. Korra's in that same swamp now.

    Where do you want to go abroad?

    What about a baby? o_0

    Surely there's some good news! D=
    How so?
    Eh not to much more. That new 3ds has a new c-stick and two new buttons but I doubt every game will use them.

    EDIT cause lol:
    It was said in book 3 that she left to wander for enlightenment. The dead thing was first thought in book 1 I believe. (meaning the creators likely changed their minds)
    No she's in the human world but that spirit seems to have lead Korra to that spirit swamp from the first series. =O

    Gonna try and move one day?

    Aw come now, it has to be one or the other. Don't let others beat down your good vibes! x3

    Ugh...credit cards are the makers of slaves. x[

    ~^u^~ Thank you. I hope you do to and I wish I could cheer you up a bit. o3o
    Pfffft that's bull. Aint your college fee let him work.
    This NEW 3ds: New Nintendo 3DS - Nintendo 3DS Wiki Guide - IGN
    Yep finally! ^u^
    What did you thin of episode two? I know how you feel! I wanna see episode three with more Toph! D:

    Then I don't like how it is there. =(

    *pats head* That's okay. x3 Just try not to be so down, something will eventually happen. =3

    The ceremony is that soon?! Surely there's something we can think of. D8

    I'm feeling much better. Don't even hurt to cough anymore. 8D
    I've only been taking tylonal. I don't like pain medications. >_<

    Pffft don't give me that girly! Always time for a date~
    Why are you paying for your brother? o,-
    Really?! =O What Ya gonna get for the 3DS?! You gonna wait and get that new 3ds in 2015?
    Hm...I won't lie your sister raises a good point. Most countries have a standard of salary no? But at the same time it's a known company yes? Has there been any known incidents with it in the past? Why not look into this company more during the week they gave you and see if anything really is fishy.
    As for values, what do you mean?
    As for raises...well to be blunt you minds well get used to the yearly thing because here in America raises are given only by the year and since this company does the same I imagine it's the same where you live as well. To get a raise anywhere you have to stay there long enough to gain it.
    And when it comes to finding other jobs that is a rather random time frame really. For instance I found my current one only 2 weeks after quitting the first but it took forever to find the first one and I've yet to find any new ones sense. How long it takes to find work or new work depends entirely on your luck and, in your case/profession, fame. The more your artwork is known the easier it'll be for you.
    Everyone has choices so don't ponder such stuff. Research more and think on your choices and the outcomes. All a person can do is make a choice and see where it leads them.

    That seems....rather overly complicated when it comes to hiring. =/ Why not just hire then worry about preparations after?

    The ceremony took your cash? D=

    \^u^/ Don't you worry I've been resting plenty! I can walk and stuff now without pain and everything~ My stitches come out friday too. =D

    I know right!? =D It's hard to believe that much changed in 3 years. I like how Republic City has adapted to the spirits. I felt a bit bad for Bolin but I loved seeing the changes to everyone. Also glad Jinora grew back hair. x'D
    I'm most curious about what made Korra leave as well. Yes each week. ^_^

    Ohh~ Like what things? Go on dates? ;D

    Probably. That one person in last fridays episode certainly didn't recognize her short hair.

    Funny for you:
    Now now don't give up just yet! If you haven't heard back form him yet then ask him how it's going! You can't give up and get down just cause you don't hear nothing back right away. =[
    I don't understand. x[

    I hope it does too. School there sounds to annoying to mess with so hopefully you won't have to much longer.

    It went well! I'm actually recovering rather fast. 8D I'm still sore. I haven't been able to stay on a computer very long at a time though. =3
    Did you see the new Korra? I haven't gotten to see it yet.

    Aww come on. Try to be stronger, happier. If you get sad and depressed then school and your family just win. ='[

    I know! The short hair does her better justice I think. xD
    Hmm....honestly I think it's an okay thing to do. Nothing wrong for trying to find a job anyway you can, plus I'd imagine it's a teacher/lecturers job to at least have an idea. Just remember you don't have to be stuck wherever you end up, just keep putting out to other places you would like to work. =3
    How hard is finding a place?

    Sounds like where american schools are heading. I think it's bull they hold diplomas even though you had a ceremony. x[

    hahah I'd rather not find out! xD My luck is just bad enough for that to be what happens.


    It is weird, I think Nick is just trying to get it over with. Thankfully they've been working on book4 since 3 was airing so it won't be rushed. ^_^
    Your family sounds like dicks. >=[
    You won't get stuck doing a job you don't want. The thing about jobs over family is you can quit a job on the spot~ It's fine to be picky I suppose but I hope you know that's one of the things keeping you stuck. =[
    Just don't give up!! Your live in city of sorts yes? Surely you'll find something soon and when you do you can give the family a good cursing as you walk out~ >=D

    The hell, how can they hold you back? They should've done been paid before the semesters even started right? Greedy pricks, sound as bad as american schools have fallen.

    I hope I stay asleep. TuT

    That wasn't a roar give me a ROAR woman!!

    Maybe a book 4 clip will liven you up: http://forums.khinsider.com/media-discussion/90864-legend-korra-no-crying-until-end-829.html ^3^
    That bad? ouo
    I can understand that, you should definitely look for something you want to do but sometimes you have to take smaller jobs you wouldn't to get there. Even after you get one job you can always keep applying at others, I look for new ones all the time. lol *sadly americas job market and economy is sh*t so it's not going well for me though*
    Ohhhh you don't have a the diploma yet? Well that certainly explains it! I'd wait to see how it is after graduating before I started ragging on the portfolio. =3
    It's always good to be able to draw hands, feet and other things in proportion~ xD

    I'm trying but I have to work every day up till the surgery. Worst yet I have to get up early for the two mornings in advance of the early surgery. Dx

    I can't hear youuuuuuuu! >=3 Let's hear that roar!!!

    See the Korra Book 4 trailer yet?
    Sort of? Something bad must've happened if your saying that. Is there any places you've tried that aren't art? I know you wanna do art but maybe getting a different job first so that you can at least move out will help.
    lol Sounds like my kinda club~ xD
    I wish I was good at drawing anatomy. Dx
    Yes I'm fine so far. I went early enough to get a surgery set up on the 2nd. ^ ^" I'm nervous though. Today I when and got blood drawn and stuff since they need to test that junk. I'm not sure what made it happen but the doctor thinks I was born with it and something finally made it rupture. =[
    Woo that's right, fight fight fight! Kick depression in the ass! >=3
    That's alright, did you hit a bit of trouble? =3

    Sorry to hear that. =[ Fuck family, let them bitch in a corner. Is there any places you haven't tried?

    Why's a student teaching a class? Dx
    That's good to hear, at least something has given you a decent moment lately. =D

    Well I found a hernia a while back so I have a surgery on Oct 2nd soooooooooooo theres that. xD
    I was JUST ABOUT to say that to you. (to apologize cause I didn't send the message)
    Then it was a general thing, cause it blocked me off too D: I restarted my pc after 15 minutes or so and it's back on now.
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