Ok I can see this is your first Temp ever. Dont worry though I'm not gonna yell at you or anythin ok? Anywho,I got a brief synopsis of your character,all I need is for you to write in his appearance what he looks like after he was changed into a turtwig. Also,the main lab is in The hoenn region,were it'll be most likely to take place. You can start off your post by saying "(Char.name here) was an escapee from the main lab in hoenn,Which is on a cave between Rustburo and Vandenturf" Then anything you want after that.
Few things I'd like to point out,There is a link on the very first page of the OOC,in my first post. That link takes you to Pokeearth which is a map of all the Regions. You can use that if you need to see were the cities and the other stuff is located ok?
Also,I'm the leader of the RP so please show some respect to me and the other Rpers in the OOC thread. If you have any problems or suggestions you'd like to share,just contact me and I'll talk it out with you. I hope you enjoy yourself here and sharpen your skills in writting ^^