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  • We got a glimpse of Ven in Days, so, there something going on there about that whole Keyblade connection, and maybe family connection; I'd be squealing to high heaven if something lines up like that, wouldn't you? >w<

    And that voice actor is Stephen Jay Blum, practically a god in the animated voice acting realm, if I could ever meet him in person I don't think I could holdback squeeing >w< SQUEE~! The only sad thing is not many voice actors seem to be coming to Akon anymore, boo.
    ugth, the site is laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaging ;-;

    anywho - super conversation switch go~!

    anything BBS is getting released in Japan in a few day, so watch out for spoilers everywhere >_< and then, squeeeee~! It'll come herez, joy, joy joy~!

    Ney, who's your favorite voice actor? Mine is Vic Min...min...bah, I can't spell his last name XD but his work as Edward Elric was just phenominal.
    It rings a bell, but I don't know, if Houston does have one, I'd think it'd be downtown, they have alot of things there.

    O_O oh wow XD how many games are in the Chrono Trigger franchise?

    Just a random thought, I haven't watched too much it, but for some reason, I've been thinking about mechs lately XD
    I wouldn't be surprised if they had, and I bet it exists somewhere....perhaps that one place that should not be mentioned XD

    Oh wow, at least you got a whole buncha stuff with it :D and an art book~! You could look at those drawings and make some for yourself as practice :3

    True, true, but even so, there are some PS1 games now that sell for like 70 bucks O_O it's because of the rareity I bet, grr.

    But yeah, the bug console names is where the high prices can come in.

    Ney, have you seen an anime called Big O?
    XD Alrighty then~ What's your absolute favorite food then? :3 Mine is shrimp >w<

    omg yeah, even Florida is getting a frozen over O_O manI just hope people use thier good sense when on the ice, it's so dangerous and scary ;-; Hopefully things will thaw out soon, and the ice won't be so bad.

    Wow, I didn't know games could get so high up there, what's the price for XBOX and PS3 games, like 60 bucks now? I remember when some titles went for 50 dollars or cheaper, and Days wasn't that expensive, maybe like 35 dollars if I remember right and worth every cent >w<
    I dunno, I haven't been to Domino's since forever, I usually go to Ci-Ci's Pizza~ :D

    Tiny family members that forever stay in your heart ;-; Oiy, come one New Year, let's get back being bright and shiny~

    Ah, I see, like in SSB~ >w< One of the few games I totally geeked out over, have there been any games that you geeked over? :3
    Oh yes, pizza FTW. especially sausage pizza~ YUM >X3

    I guess no one will know till they get there~ and I'm in no hurry~ it's at least a little soothing to think that they're up there waiting 'cause our pets are like family ;-;

    Hold up, Bowser as an ally? Was this a real game or a fan made one?
    Slimey....sticky....sticks to cheeks......thank goodnes my food is already digested or I'd be seeing it again DX

    If dogs can go, why can't other animals?

    Isn't mario an rpg? Mario galaxy and mario 64? Or is that another lable?

    Poof fish ;-; Soon it'll be free of that parasite and in fishy heaven.

    You know, I heard that the sonic people don't want to really make a game for sonic like how the old ones were, they like an rpg like that "werehog" one, but those old games were classics~! They said it would take too long to make an old sonic game like new ;-; booo.
    I don't try too much different foods XD If I can still see it moving, count me out~ XD

    DX Parasites just, UGTH! I don't like'em nope, nope, nope - bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhh~! Have you heard of the "fish tongue parasite"? O_O OMG it's the first parasite found to replace a BODILY FUNCTION - HOLY S***.

    I remember playing the lion king on sega, that monkey level was so frickin' hard! I was praying they wouldn't be in KH2! XD
    I call them flame-kissed, but really they're grilled shrimp XD

    Isn't some sushi poisonous or something? Like puffer fish? O_e I just don't think I can eat meat that hasn't had a fire to it, it tastes so, raw DX and germs~! Some meat can carry parasties in them! I don't want bugs in my body eating me from the inside out >_<

    I remember watching my brother beat the power rangers game for Sega, that finaly boss had like a ga-gillion health bars XD
    Flame-kissed shrimp is killer good, ah, and I'm about to each lunch - horsey food! Or maybe a little meat~

    Ewwww, I can't stand sushi XD but I heard it's healthy...............Nah, I'll stomach salad over that. Oh yeah, after a hurricane on the coast, there is this deathly smell from the wildlife that do get blown ashore, sooooooooo - maybe I'll go ahead and stick to getting seafood the ol' fashion way XD

    *_* Power Rangers were my brother's and I CRACK when were little! We loved them soooo much! "Tyrannosuar!" Sabertooth tiger!" "Mastodon!" Seriously, how could any kid resist frickin' prehistory animals as robots with kung fu fighting?!

    It was awesome!!! XD
    XD I'm a carnivore too~ A carnivor and pasta eater XDDD and I love shrimp fettuchini the most >XD and angel hair shrimp!

    At least living next to the coast gives a good supply of seafood, shoot, whenever a hurricane come around, you'd think it'd just blow all the seafood ashore, but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~! stupid hurricanes.

    o_O I know.....the one of Cloud is.....rather disturbing >_<

    How about.....Thunder Cats?
    Te hell....have you seen some the new "smilies"? Apprarently wherever I said "l e t t u c e" there's now a -_- guy.....funky.

    I just think of it as horsey food >w< Now when I start bucking and neighing I'll know I've had my fill XD

    Yeah, it was alright; do you remember Freakazoid?

    ;_; I don't know. And I hope to god history will never go down that road again, but the world is a really big place.
    Yeah, there are alot of parts in salad I don't like, that's why I'm down to just lettuce and carrots XD

    At least they're going for the original cast, do you remember a cartoon about ghostbusters called extreme ghost busters?

    ;-; It's about a man trying to create a list to free Jews out of the conentration camps of the Nazis ;_;

    I had to do a report in the seventh grade about the Holocaust, and I cried almost every night when researching ;~;
    Oh yes, I will dance and eat salad to make myself a bit healthier, family diseases - away with thee~!

    What kind of salad do you eat? Mine's pretty much just lettuce and carrots, I don't anything else, bleck!

    XD I can only imagine one them like a ghost, "Shoot me with that, and you ghostbusting days are over."

    Oh that's alright, Schindler's List is, is.....;-; I've only heard about it's storyline and wanted to start crying ;O;

    I know it's about 3 and a half hours early, but Paris already celebrated thier's at 5pm XD
    Oh wow, it posted my commet yesterday, 'cause the whole thing, like cut off when I hit "post message" ._.

    >w< Spill.com dropped the news about it, but I'm sure it's all over the internet nows~ I think the story line is supposed to be around the lines of getting new ghost busters or something, and I think one of the ghost busters is supposed to be a ghost at this point ;-; - ah, that would make for an wierd reunion XD

    ;-; It does? Dangit, whelp I'll still watch it, sad or not, from what I saw, it's a great story >w<

    Have you ever seen Schindler's List?

    (Okay buggy internet, work with me - work with me~!)

    They might be making a Ghost busters 3 with much of the original cast! The game was a bit of success so they're looking further into the project.

    I've never seen the Green Mile all the way through, does it end sadly? ;-;
    XDDD okay then I won't speak of zeh winter classes then XD

    Does your college have an anime club? Or you could just hang out with your friends and party that way :3

    Do you know about the Ghostbusters? >w< Or in fact, what's your favorite movie franchise? :D
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