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  • The end of semester party can get a little crazy sometimes, but since I'm nice and a "retired officer", that's for the next generation peeps to learn~

    XDDDDDD omg, that sounds like when my brothers and I play against one another! XD >w< Ah gaming, bringing people together since 1980's :D

    Ney~ what are those winter classes like again? :3
    XD Okay, imagine this, a bunch of 20 years olds talking smack to one another while playing pokemon, and you have my group of friends during the end of semester party XD

    It's like you can't help but talk smack sometimes, it can be soooo fun >:D

    ;-; the gaming world eludes us and teases us~ but at least you've gotten to enjoy days, I'm almost there, I'm almost there~!

    Oh! Have you seen the new trailers for BBS? I know you said you were just gonna wait and play the game, but they're still a nice piece of tease >w<
    Whew! I felt so bad, I really was in a hurry, I had like 10 seconds to get ready to leave and stuff XD

    If you play Halo on multiplayer, and come across someone named "Mushroom Machine" that's my older brother - RUN FROM HIM! He's a beast! DX As for myself I can't play Halo worth a damn, I seem to be strictly an RPG gal.

    Have you seen the trailers for Halo Reach?

    Look, look, I made the correction down below, I meant to say "stupid internet", I am so sorry James, oh my god, I'm red as a moogle's nose right now, so sorry James! *HUG* STUPID INTERNET! CUT OFF MY WORD! DX

    Hey, are you a Halo fan? I don't remember what Jason told me, I think he told me you like Halo.
    I saw it in your pm, it was there, stupid internet!


    And check with a kind mod if the siggy refuses to work, or ask Smile :)

    Eep I gotta run for now, *HUG* talk to ya soon~! >X3
    *0* You got your siggy to work now! I saw it in your pm but forgot to say anything >w< YAY!

    Oh okay, he's not a real angel but really looks like one - it still counts in my book :D - Wait a tick, the twins trigger that change in him? O_O Okay, this manga is on my target sights, oh yeah, what was that one with the Austin powers guy? I couldn't find it at onemanga because I don't think I spelled it right ;-; stupid new search browser >_<

    What's the website called? :3
    Go to your settings, go to signature editing, and paste the image there :3 and then you'll have your siggy >w<

    How is D.N Angel? What's it about? After Angel Sanctuary, I'm lookin' for another manga with wings :3 and less incest...

    Aww Funimation does the same thing, but they do have commercials and ah, it sometimes stops, which gets annoying ;-; quickly....~

    Slowly they are leaving, my room is coming along better, yay! :D
    *0* YOUR AVI IS WORKING!!! YAY!!!!

    and you work the tag like your planting in an image - next to the globe icon is a picture icon, you use that for your tag :3 and center it and viola! All done!

    Anywho, if you tried reading Vampire Knight, give Ouran a swing - it's no where near as complicated and is a better read - just avoid the fanfare like in soul eater and you have romance like Inuyasha! Both love interests having trouble admit thier feelings, and confessions! From mulitple people! XD

    Ahhhhh, my inner otaku is showing today from under, my storm cloud ;-; boo~
    Oh yeah, man I can feel it, the final, final fight between Naruto and Sasuke is gonna be all types of epic >X3

    But Killer Bee isn't a main character, which means he's doomed to the authors whim ;-; *SOB* Jiraiyaaaaaaa~! ;O; If they can tag team, awesome possum, they'll stand a whole hell of a lot better chance of mowing down the rest of Akatsuki.

    Ney, what's your siggy and avi like that you had made? :3
    That's right, he gave something to protect Sasuke from Madara, so he might've done the same thing for Naruto, and with Madara becoming the main guy in this arc, that seems to be the biggest possibility.

    I wonder how this arc is gonna flip out, there are only two tailed beast free, Naruto and Killer Bee, I think Naruto will be the only one left with a tailed beast after this arc, with Madara the strongest enemy they've faced so far >_<
    ;-; A tough time that entails what? We won't find out till we get there, but - O_O omg, what if Sasuke goes after Hinata just to make Naruto hurt like he has?! I'd slap Sasuke out his mind - but that probably won't happen.

    Right, and I don't think we'll find out till it's released~ Curse those trap-sprung plot devices! XD Ooh, maybe it's another Itachi image? Nah, perhaps something to disable Sasuke or somethin' - O_O or to disable the Susano'o!
    I don't know, that, um, devil thing Sasuke has with him looks like something that can match Naruto at this point - O_O another twist would be if we see Itachi again - and he helps Sasuke kill Naruto to release whatever the hell that crow was he put inside him! ;O; But, ah, then again, I don't think Itachi will do that, hell he might help Naruto kill Sasuke x.x that'd be another twist....no....Itachi wouldn't kill Sauske before.....crap, I dunno, but whatever that crow was that's inside Naruto, I hope we find out about it soon.
    Thier eyes creeped me out at first glance XD but then I jumped on the cool train :3

    That's where the super twist comes in - Naruto shows her his moves, just enough to draw Sasuke in! Sure she can't go sage mode, but Sasuke won't give the chance to! And knowing she's out the way, is able to live happily forever with Hinata yay!

    *Cheerleader mode* GO HINATA GO! GO HINATA GO!
    Uchia clan 4ever ;-; Peace out Sasuke *plays sadness and sorrow*

    XD I thought you could, wouldn't that be something if Sasuke, all turned super evil and crap, exchange killing blows with Naruto and thinking he took Naruto down with him, it was actually Sakura in disguise or something, and then they both die, Sakura like, "Now we're be together forever." And then Sasuke's like, "Nope, sorry ****, I'm gonna go catch up with my brotha, laterz."

    Sakura: CRAP!

    I'll help you with that - come on Naruto! DO THE RIGHT THIIIIIIING~!
    Ah....good point ._. Sasuke hasn't exactly been an angel, but hopefully at least he and his brother will be together, Itachi will watch over him! ;O;

    Yes! Naruto is immortal, Naruto is immortal, Naruto is immortal *thought Jiraiya was immortal too* - O_O WAAHHHHH!!!!

    Okay, in order for Naruto to live, Sasuke will have to die (and maybe Sakura for a twist) ;-; I can live with that trade off, and then Naruto remembers Sasuke and goes to live a happy life with Hinata. Yes: end of Naruto.

    Shoot, I think the final villian is a done deal with Sasuke now. ;-;
    ;-; I guess you're right there, farewell Sasuke, go be with your clan, all in heaven ;~; - WAAHHH!

    OMG - what if Naruto dies like Minato?! NOOOOO!!!! If that happens we must go back in time and stop the author!
    You know, I don't think I've ever come across any anime or manga totally about werewolves ;-; They've been a part of other anime and manga's but I don't think they're ever shone by themselves before - that's what we need now! Werewolves! ^0^ Maybe before they make the horsie anime XD

    >:3 And all that will be left of him is an ink splatter on the page - MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And then Kakashi could be Hokage until Naruto arrives with Hinata >w<

    NOOOOOOOO! Sasuke can't die ;~; Nay........WWAAAHHHHHH!! - but if he does, I gues it could work, but I'd lean towards a play off of Jiraiya's name ^_^
    Vampire Knight took more turns that that maze in the movie Labrynth, I just keep with the chapter, I can't keep up with the story too much anymore XD

    If Itachi ends Danzo (yay I got his name right, but who cares I hatez him anyway - ) that will become my new background until we get comitment from Naruto >w< Oh and Danzo must suffer just a pinch as he dies, and Itachi must calm Sasuke down and turn him good again....although that might take a miracle ;-;

    Yes. In fact that is how the series must end. And I will cry if it happens any other way XD Hell I'll still cry - it's the ending of Naruto! WAH!
    Ah, I can see how you lost interest in Vampire Knight, it was really good early on, and then, ah, I just couldn't follow where it was going XD I read Vampire Knight now as something that I just wanna finish 'cause I started it - and I must know who Yuuki will end up with! XD

    ITAAAAAAAAAAAACHIIIIIIIIII!!!! But it's probably just, what Minato was ;-; He "back" but he's not really back - still, it is kick *** to see Itachi back - WOOT! Itachi better kick Danzo, densu - whatever his name is butt's to the land of sand and back! :mad:

    ;-; but alas, the authors know how to string the heart . I just know when they do get together, I will have a new background for my computer <3
    I've been like that for Ouran, Vampire Knight, FMA, XD "once you pop you can't stop" XD And thanks goodness for Naruto's maturity, he's no longer a Leory Jenkins DX...ugth...... - OH! Did you read the most recent chapter?! SQUEEE! I squealed at the end >w< *O*

    And now we'll have to wait like, what, 6 more arcs before Naruto can get back to Hinata? Grr.
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