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  • And that episode - I was totally squeeing the way through at the end >w<

    Wow, thou art strong with the Naruto manga, yes, may the manga be with you :3 - Oh wasn't that battle awesome?! And thank goodness everyone lived! ^0^

    YES! Hinata's confession was the highlight of that whole thing! And he can't - it's impossible - he knows Sakura is just on the rebound - it's Hinata or bust! OUR TEAM HAS PRACTICALLY WON!!! ^0^
    It's heavily implied near the end of the anime >w<

    Magic power would be awesome, as would flying with you, but I am deathly afriad of heights >_< We'll need to find a super pillow I can latch onto.

    I don't know any Sakura bloggers, but that is thier freedom of speech blah blah blah, and we also have the right to dissagree with them - it the never ending ninja cycle :p
    XDDD I've wished for that power too, but for Soul Eater - come on Soul, Maka has already picked you to be her boyfriend - STEP UP alreadyyyyyyyyy~!

    I swear....If Naruto blows over Hinata.....I will join you in your persuit to knock Naruto a new one >:D

    Ha, let the Sakura-cheerleaders swirl in thier confusion, they will join us eventually, or leave the Naruto world >:)
    Right! And that is true love! Not miss pink and on the rebound - and Naruto can't trust her - that's it! It IS all set up for him to jump on the Hinata train! YEEESSS!!!!

    WHAT?! Hate art for Hinata!? WTF...That ain't cool, Hinata won't hurt nobody no how! ;~; They're just jealous that Hinata is the true choice for Naruto and not Sakura, Sakura just needs to go figure her poor self out and leave Naruto alone.
    Out of the two, I soooooo want Naruto to end up with Hinata TT3TT

    I mean she just loves the guy sooooo much and Sakura - she's totally hung up on Sasuke, and okay Naruto likes Sakura, but he's matured, he's gotta get on team Hinata!
    Now, now I didn't say she does die, but I also didn't say she doesn't - my heart just stopped it was in shock from what happened - you'll have to find out for yourself what happened then *wink* It shall be a rollercoaster read~!
    Ah don't worry, you can identify them on sight right? >:3

    I will say that my heart frickin' stopped when I came to that part - again I was like - NOOOOOOOOOO~! ;O;

    OMG that is such a terrible feeling watching/reading an anime character dying ;~; One of the worst being in Blood +.....dear....god.......;O;
    And how many are on this list of yours? XD

    ;-; Kakashi, and Hinata ;-; Dang it, manga authors, anime - they know so well how to tug at the heart! XD
    I know right?! I HATE DENAZO, DANZO, whatever his name is - poor Tsunade ;-;

    Oh yeah and Kakashi~! ;O; First time I saw that I was like Noooooooooo~! XD
    I believe that isssssss chapter 400

    Yay! I'm glad you're taking a look at the manga, I hope you won't be dissapointed :3

    Merry Christmas, It's already the 24th here. My little 'gift' should be up in a few minutes^^
    It feels like the Naruto world is coming to a close with all that's happening - nnoooooooooo~!!! ;O;

    ;-; All good things must end I guess, *sniff*

    Awesome as in good and powerful >w<
    YES! CH 469! My mouth just dropped, and that's not all you'll find, Sakura has grown up alot too, a whooooole lot.

    But Cef is an awesome ruler, you're gonna have to find someone good~
    I didn't think so either, but it just hit a home run to his heart, that chappie was very sad ;-;

    And then there's Sakura o_O she, pulled a Hinata! :O

    There is no running, we are under her rule, all hail Cef!
    He wants to make Konoha pay ;~; And poor Naruto is stuck in the middle of what to do ;O;

    Yeah, I guess so, I just hope Naruto can some how save Sasuke though ;-; I want Naruto to have a happy ending! ;~;

    Oh hey Cef!
    Sasuke's group ;-; You know, I'm really starting to question if he's feeling any emotion towards them whatsoever at this point in the story :/ *sigh* Sasuke......
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