• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...



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  • OH DUDE THANK GOD XD i thought you really died...cuz last i heard from you was you were sick sooo...yeh..
    AWSOME THO ;D right before chapter 2 come out :O and all the new bosses that are here :3 so yeh welcome back
    Later nigguh

    you've been fired from Face Down the Sun graphics due to inactivity and lack of reasons as to why you haven't been
    It's going well actually got all my college stuff done and over with ready to start classes now :D I haven't been on here in awhile cause I quit got kinda dull around here so I started my fun on another site..as I think you found out
    lol i thought it was strange you started summer vacation so late XD
    yeah...maybe in a few weeks time....I lost count of how many weeks left
    did you really change your color?o_O...ah well if it isnt working...dont bother its still readable
    I'll get one before Ch. 2 comes out. :p

    Probably sometime betweeen now and Mid-August probably. I wanna catch up with the others before school starts up again.
    hehe yeah yeah im doing it :p I'll be coming on more regularly when most of my classes end.
    wait....your summer vacation just started a few days ago?o_O
    and um...the color still hasnt changed o.o
    you're not that active either right? well..at least that ive noticed o_O...but anyways my mom's been sending me to summer classes which gives out quite a bit of homework >.<
    but i'm not dead yet :p
    PS change the font color for you vistor messages...its really hard to read o.o
    Living life eh? Psh... who needs a life, especially when you have teh 'ferno. xD
    I've been up and down the East Coast visiting peoples.
    Yoooo! You're alive! :D

    I've been traveling alot these past few weeks since my computer died. So no 'ferno for me. :<
    So what've you been doing all this time?
    I've been alright I guess. So much better than like, the last time we actually talked. Are you, enjoying yourself?
    So... this is the most I've see you around on the Inferno. It's nice really. But, you going to be around more or sticking around at all? Would be nice to have another vet come back. Plus would be nice to have you around. Been missin you man.
    HEYYY.Sorry i wasnt on again,i was sleeping .Its like10 in the morning here when i normally get on to talk to you,but its 12 now.Im a person to sleep in alot.Sorryyyy.Hopefully i'll be on tomorrow.Though we babysit i say will come back to my house.ttyl
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