Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Sounds good. I would like to see a template and a summary of it. I'm going to need to refresh myself on Pokémon. I call Pikachu. I use to have a Pikachu purse when I was younger. He's just so cute!!! xD
I saw it when you posted it. I just haven't got around to reading it yet. What did you have in mind for the RP? Would we use characters from the series like Ash and Misty or would we make up new ones?
Thank you ^_^ I'll take that as a compliment ^^ I thought because I hadn't posted in a while, I should really make the effort in the schism ^-^Also, I really like your new characters in it, I can tell they'll be awesome, and thats ok about your fanfic, I'm really enjoying reading it And, I'm doing well, how about you?
Yeah I still have your number. I'll call you then.
You have a great idea. Sometimes I get ideas for my characters after I use them for something else. That's how must of my stories start. Especially with the books I'm working on.
I read your fanfic. I'm so sorry it took me so long. It was awesome! Just a few mistakes and not enough periods. But overall not bad. I want to know more about Castex tale now. lol.
I've just read it and posted a reply, and that was a pretty cool chapter ^_^ I like it how you explained his hair turning white, that was great ^^ I also read your post in our battle, so I'll type something very soon to it :thumbup:
Yes, now I can tell my children that they can be president one day too. xD
People always say we can be anything, but when you're a minority (I'm not just talking about Blacks but all minorities) hardly anyone tells you you can become president. You wont believe how many times I've had my dreams of being a Journalist shot down because I'm Black. But I've never given up on that dream and that's what I plan to be.
Hey Alex/KKL ^-^ My day has been pretty good ^_^ And I'm actually just beginning to type up my posts for my battles, including ours ^^ I also just saw your post reply on your ff, so I'll post very soon to that How was your day so far?
I'll read your fanfic soon. I'm so happy Obama's president!! Yay!!! I never thought I would see the day one of my own would make it to the Oval Office. xD
Well, been kind of busy as of late, so i'm trying to get around to everything as quickly as I can. I saw the post you did in our battle, and I'm already in thinking of what to do next ^_^ And, no of course you don't sound annoying, I should be sorry about not posting quick enough.
Em, I don't think so. You seem to be doing a great job with him so far, I was seriously impressed with how you wrote him, and was actually surprised when he appeared in the chapter the way he did, definitely didn't see that coming with the best friends ^_^ Let me just say, well done ^^