Lol if it's not KH, then what is ittt? xD If this place is the most friendly then I don't know how the other parts of the internet are...
Nahhh~ I'm still gonna reply to them (On time if I can) Hey! You'll always come back at the end of the day, so i'll keep replying. No one misses you? /scoff righhttttt~ v_v
It's kinda like your ignoring the other person, that's why

I guess that's one gain in terms of not being around much...if that is even a gain D:
That's depressing..../uneasy laugh lol...That's life though, nothing you can do but live the moment the best you can.
I was done on June 14th lol
I'm surprised you remember that type of stuff xD I always have to look back
You mean sporting low cuts? (Short hair) on some people it looks nice n_n
lol no...../sobs, rolls on floor, rolls down a hill-- No! I'm over this! I don't have a 3DS as you can see..
Whadya mean? ;o
NOOOOOOOO lol ;______;