In this case that is really a splendid Idea, lol.
I noticed as well, that you two seem to converse elsewhere, *ggg*.
Yea, I noticed that too. With me it's more like it stays constant right now in terms of how busy I am. Our company is expanding and one of our new, big customers of course expects a certain quality. In September I finally managed to get some vacation approved though.
There's still time.

Bored? Could never happen with me, especially with the chronicles, glossary and character-compendium where you can unlock stuff the farther you get in the game. I'm preparing right now to visit country of the musketeers.
If you rush DDD you will be underpowered anyways, lol, there are over fifty friendly dream eaters and you can play with them and befriend them, many extra challenges and more to keep you entertained.
Gotta exchange that number then, right? Here it is: 3652-1713-1225
Several "asking threads" for specific topics are there already, but a general help thread I couldn't spot yet.

I'm doing my very best. <333. I'm really honored and flattered by that trust, true thing. ^___^
You can definitely trust me, but of course share only stuff that you feel comfortable with. ;D
Aww, no bro, you misunderstand. Even if I had Skype there would be nothing to see because the computer remains here, lol. That's what I meant. If you wanna see my apartment I may be able to take some pics with a Digi-Cam I could send you per EMail. <3
Don't make such a pouting face, cuties like you can melt other people by doing that. XD