So long as your condition wasn't brought by the discussion...
I've just read through a majority of what's been discussed, and management is only necessary when we've exceeded a number of least 20 dedicated developers. But it could be due to our lack of physical presence that this topic has been put forth...Though I have been keeping a record of what's developed thus far. I'm simply not available at all times to discuss it. (for legitimate reasons, I hope we understand.)
It's a rigorous creative process, so we cannot feel obligated any more than humanly possible. If we do, we run the risk of becoming gradually disenchanted, and then eventually bored...
Tanner's very passionate about his writing...But we'll all have come to a mutual consensus in time...
I liked the summery very much, But I don't find it necessary to incorporate any involvement with the doors to other worlds in the festival (specifically Mulan bringing that dragon, and fire works in through the door.) It doesn't fall in place with the mythology of Kingdom Hearts, and it would leave too many questions about the balance of the worlds, places in time, and (too a certain extent) leave false promise... Though I could be mistaken, but I don't recall a stop to China on our tour of Disney memorabilia.
Otherwise, I quite enjoy it! ^^