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  • Or during, if everyone gets too drunk to move and falls asleep there.

    Zakai: ... ... ...

    EDIT: Is Death your new main squeeze now? 'Cause you seem pretty friendly~
    Pfffpfpfppff~ Just joking with ya~
    Zakai is showing up in the next day in the RP, so make sure you make Ammy free.

    Zakai: ... << ... >///>
    You want the attention, don't you? You little hoggy~ x3

    Zakai: ... e_o;;
    What do you think of a love triangle between Hiro, Ammy and Zakai?
    Just an idea.
    wow that suks
    im only on 4 a second sorry i wish i could talk to you more but i gotta hurry
    sorry Nen i'll talk to you on sunday :)
    i know your about to leave so might ss well say it now ... * sighs * damn

    well Good Night Cinderella :)
    * still talking in a romantic way *
    Tonight is very beautiful... like you !!!!!
    Let us dance the dance of love * puts on a slow song and begins to dance * Xp
    hahaha I'm okay if i ever go to the UK i'll buy one there Xp

    * talks in a romantic way* you are a very beautiful lady shannen * grabs hand and kisses it * let us dance the dance of danger. * does the tango * Xp
    hahaha okay maybe one day I'll go to the UK just to try it Xp

    well if you don;t post then i won't be able to say good night to you. ( i was ganna say it in a romantic way * talks like a romantic person* Xp )
    vimto .... okay i guess thats a drink in the UK huh Xp

    ... damn you'll be leaving in a few huh <:(
    well i did have a sprite Xp
    But yea I'm sticking with my plan so MUHUHAHAHAHAHA
    I'll make them put a slow song Xp ( trying to ruin my plan huh )

    ... I'm hyper and bored and thats a bad combonation Xp
    It's for me to know and you to find out. Xp MUHUHAHAHAH !!!
    sike jk
    its nothing much just like in the middle of the party like a slow song goes on and Hiro will ask Ammy to dance
    nuttin much It's just im bored then you're ganna be leaving in an hour or so and then i'll miss you and i'll get bored and yada yada yada

    yea i guess ( I GOT AN IDEA !!!! )
    been better .
    ( Posted Xp )
    So what do we have planed for Hiro and Ammy today ??
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