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  • :) that's who I am so I'll be on tomorrow

    Good Night Nen = ) Can't wait to talk to you again
    Oh that sucks = ( i wish you can stay longer Nen

    Well might as well make your last post before you leave
    : ) I read it and now i just finished posting ( i know you're probably leaving in a little bit huh ... You sleep early for a teenager Xp )
    hahaha yea my school is fun because of the people in my class ( I hang out with popular people and not so popular. well actually most people in my year are popular. Xp but my best friend wasn't here today but it was still fun because me and my friend just started saying stupid stuff Xp were dumb like that.

    oh yea and i posted Xp
    He didn't kiss her kiss her

    He kissed her cheek okay ( He's not ganna kiss her ... yet > = ) MUHUHAHHAHA !!! )
    so how's School ???
    man i wish there wasn't a time zone ( SO we could talk more. )
    oh yea i posted .
    I'm pretty bored just got home from school Xp and i just posted = )
    it's 8:00 over where you live right?
    hahaha you seriously wanna know hu ( well you left Xp )

    You'll see it in the PM i sent you .
    Yea but it'll end up at Destiny island and Hiro will do something !!!
    it'll be like an aw and DUN DUN DUN moment Xp
    wow does another girl sit next to you ( I used to think a girl would be looking at me but it would be someone else just saying )

    really !?!?! ( I got an idea and Ammy is ganna win the race Xp but they'll end up on Destiny Island ( im talking about the Island The island where everything started because rite now there in the City in the other land
    Really Does he like you back ?
    I posted back. does Ammy like Hiro back ( before i mess thing up Xp )
    i know it's wack ( well its a group so you have friends Xp )

    I posted ( Hiro tried to make a move on Ammy Xp ) i wonder what you're ganna do
    oh yea I can't do a presentation in front of strange people Xp I just start mumbling

    wow we got alot in common huh
    I'm to shy to give it to her unfortunatly I'm always shy thats why

    hahaha no I'm not gay but me and my friends act gay when were bored Xp Were hilarious like that

    I know I've been close but she would slip away at the last moment. So i haven't had one yet even though i would be so close
    well it's Green, Blue, and Black
    I love Family Guy, Futurama, South Park, House, Heroes, and other shows I'm too lazy to write Xp
    i had a boyfriend Xp sike jk Im straight not gay.
    Well i never had a girlfriend... yet I'm still loking for that girl to hold onto
    ... hm .... i know your name and age
    What's ur favorite color?
    What type of shows do you watch ( other then anime Xp )
    did you ever have a boyfriend ?

    ... thats all i can think of
    hahaha your clueless

    See I have the brains even thugh your older bby a month Xp

    ... idk maybe you can tell me about your self and vise versa
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