Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
They have a keyhole, heartless symbol, a crown, and a nobody symbol (which is epic btw)
And you dont have to make a bday flip for me D: Or... at least dont put much work into it, lol xDD
XD he's right you cant beat the mirage arena til you get to lvl 30 thats when a arena challenge called villian vendetta appears when you beat that you get ultima plus the awesome trophy.
XD yeah really he's fast, turns invisible, sends lasers just to name a few all i can get was 3 bars today.
you also get ultima weapon when beating mirage arena tho its not as cool as the void gear >
no T^T the MF kills me easily, dont get me wrong at my current level one thunder surge takes out half a bar i jsut cant live long enough to kill him XD
but i decided to go to the max level and see how much of a bitch he is then >
as in melding or a combo? cause aside from the vanitas remant the tornado sucked XD
yes XD my stratgy was dodging and dying, go with the RRROOOOOCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!
since all my treasuer abilties are at there highest i can get a bunch of spells to sell after beating a few enemies XD
the gully is the best one since i have to leave and go back to do the keyblade graveyard.
XD its probably best you do the rock one my stratgy only worked when i got a lucky hit with tornado and a few thunder rolls.
the mirage arena isnt that good a level grinding place :/ i use the keybladegraveyard or the gully in neverland with mickey d-link.
its a critical mode exclusive ability first used in kh2fm, what it does is keeps you from gaining exp. and keeping you at your current level. doing so is waht many refer to as a level 1 playthru, so far no1's tried on bbs i think only kh2fm.
XD which rock do you get behind? cause i fought him head on like a dumbass.
oh i seen that i copey and pasted all the abiliteis and such so i wouldnt have to keep going back and forth XD
i dont like the finish commands there annoying :/ everytime i get one im fightring a flying/air based enemy and the finisher always forces me on the ground.