Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
LOL, true, I do like being able to play as more than one person. Other than that, not so much. I just haven't gotten into it much. I probably will once it gets closer.
LOL, I could never find that many forums worth going to.
LOL. I made about 80 that counted today alone. I just made plat today.
LOL, I find that it gets to be repetitive in there, but I frequent the other areas, too. I don't play many games right now, either, though I'm still pumped for the new ones.
Perhaps it has. I don't know, I haven't seen any of your new posts and I don't remember your old ones.
Really? I thought you might have been gone, because I didn't see you around. Then again, I chalked it up to the fact that I myself haven't been around as much.
I've been fine. I went away from this site for a couple of months, only posting sporadically. Otherwise, I would have made platinum a while ago, actually. I post too much.
LOL, I remember it, too. Now, six months later, I've gotten to plat. No, we haven't. LOL, I must have lost that last VM you sent. I never replied. I'm sorry. D:
Sorry if I offened you in any way (the who criminal thing) we just have diffrent oppinons.Which is fine that is one of the reason I made the thread is to get others opinions.