No, unfortunately. I've been a bit busy elsewhere. But they did release a demo video!
Well, we shall know when we see it. I can't wait for more info!
No... (sob) But you like my family? You do? YAY!!!! I'm glad you think it's cute and heartwarming. Would you ever want to give it a shot?
It's fine, you just need to set time aside for it and go over the minimum amount per a day. The tag line is "no plot, no problem" Plus, between you, M'Lady and I THINK my College friend, it will be quite fun!
I KNOW! Plus Neku, Beat, Joshua (ugh) Rhyme, Shiki, and I've been crossing fingers Grimoire Weiss gets in too. At least we're getting an 8 MINUTE TRAILER today. I CAN'T WAIT!!! Who do you want in?
Yes, yes you do. It's... just fantastically done. It's funny, clever, usually mature, and it's.... Gah! I love this show so much. WHY did it take me so long to find it??? And then it gets cancelled!
Okay. I wish we got those novels...
(Have you SEEN me and some of my people? And I'm with Vani too)
There, you're gonna see me choke the life out of Terra and Aqua. Then we'll see how long you play the pacifist.
You still read Snow Angels? (Flattered) I'm so glad you think I write good Aqua/Zack. I adore your writing and I think your one of the best authors out there, so any time you compliment my stuff I'm flattered.
Go work on something else then. Some drabbles, a completely different fandom, etc. Just work out those kinks. Or work on art or something.
Well, thank you Rarity. ^_^ How are you doing?
I KNOW! AND HE IS SO GOOD THERE! (random flailing)
Hey, will you be on later tonight? I want to talk about the trailer with you.
And, thank you for everything.