Cloud Feb 18, 2010 my internet connection is shit right now, i'll be able to go on msn tomorrow though. if you wanna talk pm me D:
my internet connection is shit right now, i'll be able to go on msn tomorrow though. if you wanna talk pm me D:
Iridium Feb 16, 2010 Huzzah! and what's going on now that you've retired? [EDIT] Added you to MSN a LOOOOONG time ago btw C:
Huzzah! and what's going on now that you've retired? [EDIT] Added you to MSN a LOOOOONG time ago btw C:
Iridium Feb 16, 2010 The fact that you're still on the forum leaders list is so misleading D: Oh and hi
Ðari Feb 9, 2010 Even if you are hitler, I still love you. Also, wtf, I didnt know we lived in the same state? Your officially baby ryan btw.
Even if you are hitler, I still love you. Also, wtf, I didnt know we lived in the same state? Your officially baby ryan btw.
X X xx kairi xx Feb 4, 2010 I didnt do anything on purpose. You'll realize that if you read what iv put on kazumas page and in spiral dream designs
I didnt do anything on purpose. You'll realize that if you read what iv put on kazumas page and in spiral dream designs