Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Thats good then. Hows the workload been? and I hope you're doing well with everything :3
Lady Yuki
ya it was some parts where just rreally funny xD And ya from what I learned he did seem like a real good president. Ya it was alot of fun and intrsting! The mangas are good. Finshed skip beat and still readin FB alsmot done with it><... Lol ya it is funny! kinda confusing though @_@
Lols its okay. Everyone can get conffuzled xD YAY!!! thats me sis! you grow up so fast xD jkjk*hugs* Ooh and hey if you eva want a sig done I can make one for ya! Me not to good but if you ever want one I will be happy to make you ones! ^^
Lady Yuki
It was! and was alot of fun too! saw aliens in the atic. Labrary...Wow I cant spell today... Regan libary.Tells about his life and how he became presedent. Told all about him. I got the 3rd volume of skip beat and the 4th voulume of fruits basket!! my bro got book one and trwo of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I read the frist one its funny xD
Lol no you didint scare me I was just kidding around>< LOL well good if somone hurts you kick their butts! i know me sis kels can beat anyone up when she needed too!
Lady Yuki
yay!!! you so rock!! :3
Yeps! we went to a ww11 arport and we got to go in a plane!! we went to a moive we went to the ragan liaby she bout me two mangas aswell. I had a great time! LOL and good dont wana see in the news my sis killes somone xD
Ya I can understand that
Lady Yuki
Oooh I know I love doing that!!!
It was!!!!
Lol well good. You didnt kill anyone yet did you? O_O xD
Lady Yuki
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee*random moment*
Its okies sis I understand! Stayed with my other grandmother while parents went outa state. I HAD SO MUCH FUN! :3
Ooh I see><
Lady Yuki
yay!! :3
Been good! just got back from a weeks vacation! got home yesterday though. But ya im doing alright! hows is you?
Thats cool I hope everythings gone well with college preperations and all that ^.^
I've been rether good lately ^^ still working, but i've been rather sick lately.
Oooh okay. Lol I see I see>< Ooooohh I see. Well gata love your parents right? They are only look out for you my parents just read some of my convos to make sure im not breaking rules and to make sure im not talking to pervs and predators><