Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Hmm, I think having one character with that abiity would be ok, but I think it would be good to have the backstory of why they tried to perform human transmutation and saw the gate in that character's bio.
Yo, sol. I've noticed that you weren't able to post up your summery thing for the khii rp, so may i purpose a suggestion: I can post it in the name of you and such; seeing how the site let's me post long and uber posts.
Awesome Character Solar XD...just awesome I luved reading every part of Ares's temp x3...you always have a special touch when you come up with your character xD. Though this one got me wondering x3, is this the unborn of who I think x3? if so...we need to talk XD, this could pull a hell of a good plot twist ;3
Oh my gosh, your onnnnnnnnn and um, I know my name isn't familiar to you but it's Candy Fair/Snow Candy but I had a name change so yeah, you probably won't recognize me. >_< But it's good to see you back on the forums, anywho, I just got back on here today! Well hope your doing okay!
lol whatever you'd like is fine by me man ^__^ We can always change his title if we need to, but he sounds great. And nothing really ^^ I was just talking to some people, and thats pretty much it lol, how about you, up to anything at the moment?
Wow the character is sounding terrific man ^__^ I think it might need its very own special position I think, something like Royal Manipulator or something ^^ But really the character will make a perfect Unborn ^-^
Yeah I'm sorry about that bro. I should have sent Anorgos to Treasure Planet I guess, but I was hoping on maybe having Ryu meet him in a little bit actually in the rp, just so he sees him face to face, and realises who he is ^__^ But there's plenty of time for us to get to that and everything else in the awesome rp ^^
I noticed you said that in the rp, I think thats a terrific idea man ^__^ I can't wait to see it all, that should be great to see. And I'm really looking forward to see the War for Power rp return ^^ And a new Unborn sounds great ^^ Sepulchre has left so you could always take his place if you would like, or maybe have a bran new position for your character ^__^