Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
x3 ur parents r dumb, kids grades lower cause their either getting high, pregant, or have no fucking interest.
i fell under the cataory of no fucking interest XD
yep, all teh reasons why riku's story>>>>>>>>>>>>>>soras.
i always play riku's story, tho the few times i play sora i go without sleights.
i even beat proud that way, all u need if like 30 lvl 7-9 cards, 3-4 cure, and 3-4 0 cards :d
Dont be sorry, I just wish I could help more. Its so hard to do these things without seeing it done in person. And yeah its NTSC that could maybe make it work
It wont work if you press the disc on the browser screen. You literally have to just keep resetting until no menus come up, and it gos straight to the game.
I didnt look it up or anything, its just my personal experiance. It NEVER worked for me unless the game autostarted and the Options menu thing didnt appear. It autostarted the first time I tried it, so I knew that the swap magic worked. But then when it the game did not autostart and I manually did it, it failed to work. It works 100% of the time for me if it autostarts, but then doesnt work if the opposite happens.