Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Okay, just letting you know they're (Neko and Max) at Max;s place having breakfast. Do you think you can keep up? If so than cool, I've got to figure out my next post for the thread anyway; so I'm just curious.
Umm, I'll post in the morning. I just got back from hanging out with my relative's and I'm exhausted. Talk to you in the morning.
Hey sephy....I just wanted to tell you goodbye.Somthing has happend to me and I need some time to work things out with myself.You take care of yourself and I hope to see you again soon!
Hmm, between the fifth and sixth gyms, surrounded by the trees near there. What? It's been a while since I've last played on my silver version, so I can't quite remember what it's like...but I know there were trees.
Hi, I just posted on the Shadows Beneath. You could use it if you want. Sent you a PM with an artist, now ish waiting for a reply.
Bug brother!!*huggles*
They killed elmo T_T
Thats great sephy!!!I am so happy for you!!I bet she is amazing ^.^.And Im glad you are working harder in school.
I kinda knew you wouldnt be on as much >.<Ima miss you ._.
*hugs*How are you??I haveint seen you in so long!! ._.