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    just wanted to say hi sephy.I miss ya.
    yo man, mind reading La Compilation and Los Sincorazones?
    Okay, posted on The Shadows Beneath. And thank you for clearing that up. Would it be okay if you posted, so that way we can keep Road to Dawn moving? I'll post something for Leyla the next time I do; but since last thing I knew was that I was the last one that posted on it. I sent you an idea for the RP; can you please tell me what you think of it?
    Lol!!Really?!?!*giggles*She's me fav to she's awsome!!And cute little artims XD
    Sephyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !!Just thought is say hi and I was suprised that you posted in the RP!:DHm now I just have to figure out how to get my Leafeon >.<.Hehehe Anyway how are you?You feeling better?

    I miss you <3
    That's great to hear! Hmm, think you'd be able to post on the Shadows Beneath and Road to Dawn? Which girl were you talking about? Soleil or me? It's just that you mentioned two girls and both of our characters (at least one of mine) are female; but they're both in different worlds. So, which one is it?
    You know what really stinks? It's when it's your birthday and you're running a fever and too sick to enjoy yourself! Sorry for venting...
    I miss you sephy......I hope school is going well and I hope your feeling better!! ^.^
    Okay, bit of a blond moment. Just another question, for Road to Dawn, were you talking about Noah and Leyla? If so, I just want to point out that they're in two completely different worlds. If not, than were you talking about what Leyla was doing before she was knocked out?
    Def a taste in music. Haven't seen many musicals. But Moulin Rouge is def one of my faves.
    Hey, Sephy-kun! I made an opening post! ;) In fact, I had forgotten about you telling me to make an opening post and I just posted. However, it could count as an opening post. My character is alone with his digimon in the park. ;)
    Ya!!Im not in truble hehehe.Im doing terrible thank you....How are you big brother?
    *starts to cry*Im sowwwie....I duno I thinka mod took it out.I came online one day and that part wasent there T_T
    Lol!!Jelous?hehehe well you know you are my big brother why dont you go tell him off or somthing LOL jkjk dont you DARE do anythng to him.

    Lols my Real older brothe joind and if he see's that DxL will be dead even though its a rp ._.

    So how is sephyyyyyyyy?
    Lol...I keep getting that!!One guy hates ut cause it color full T_T

    why dont you just ask her what to do?Lols I was supride on DxL's post O_O
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