As I've stated before, I don't dismiss your comments or criticism on my writing. I take what you have said to heart about a lot of things, but I'm also not going to play dead (or pretend to) and not defend what I wrote. If I feel as if I wrote something in the 'right' way and you tell me I'm 'wrong', then I'm going to defend my position even as I take what you've said into consideration.
Nevermore and I have talked about that little misunderstanding, and Sabrina's never had any real issue with me, I believe. Whatever kind of conflict or dislike you saw there was based upon misunderstanding and light-hearted joking, to which I did overreact, I admit.
I believe I've told you before, but I'm going to say something and stick to my guns. I didn't post on your profile to seem superior; if I wanted to seem superior, I would have given you an infraction or posted a clever little GIF or do something of that sort. Instead, I gave you the reminder (key word) that it's generally a bad idea to make a post asking why something was deleted. You are the one that got defensive--or offensive, depending on how you want to look at it--so yes, I'm going to respond in kind. If you want to comment on my writing with the understanding that I'm not going to take your word as gospel, fine. If you're going to continue to not critique it, that is also fine. You are, however, going to either respond to this message, be done, and show me some form of respect without being snide or arrogant, or you're going to ignore this and be done with it.