I know, right? The only way to have enough time is to be so rich you don't need to work. And even then you'll find some way to run out of time.
Critical mode: - enemies do double damage.
- you get Reaction Boost, Finishing Plus, Draw, 2x Lucky Lucky, MP Hastera and EXP Zero on Roxas' third day
- Start with 50 AP
- AP increases by 3 instead of 2 when leveling up
- The HP and MP bonuses are only half as big (so you end up with a lot less by the end)
- Experience gain is 3/4
- easier to unlock the BBS video
One thing that is unclear to me though: the list I'm looking at mentions the enemies doing double damage to you under both Proud mode and Critical, but on Proud mode you also only inflict half damage. It says no such thing under Critical mode. Seems to me like it should (you know, for difficulty)
Aside from that, there are some other things that have changed and are there in every mode. Some of the story missions have their conditions set a bit harder (and some others a bit easier). Some enemies also seem to fight a bit better than I remember. I've been hit by Shadows several times. I NEVER get hit by Shadows.