Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Just give me a moment or two to post, as I currently have something else on my hands as well, which is the reason behind my current inactivity aside from talking to you.
All the microbes are capable of is rummaging through the victim's heart, and in a Nobodies case, memories.
Due to Nelox's apparrnt inner conflict, all Kryavar will be able to see is a garbled mess of memories, at which point he'll probably comment to Belphaezor that he is of no use, and should be eliminated.
That should set up the conditions of your post quite nicely.
That's fine, though considering what I have planned for Kryavar, it would be best if he wasn't knocked unconscious; perhaps you could just knock him back, or something of that manner, because I need Kryavar to be aware of his surrounding for my next few posts as him.
If it's really necessary to knock him unconscious, then you may do so, though I'd prefer if you didn't.
Well, that depends upon how it is you're going to control him; I'll most likely agree to whatever it is you have planned, but I'd like to know about it first.
I give you permission to steal Kryavar's ring, which is his key to and from the Prison Realm. That's why I made a brief reference to it earlier, in case either you or landseasky would catch the hint.
It was though, one of the admins threatened me of giving my IP to "bad people" if I didn't tell the truth and I didn't want to put my family in danger if they found out where I lived and they came here and tried to possibly kill us.