• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


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  • Hahaha

    We're doing Othello now because the other classes are doing Hamlet.
    So I'm not sure what's Hamlet all about. I just know that everyone dies X_X
    the only shakespeare thing I really liked was julius caesar

    I should stop messaging you so you can get to work...
    Night? like the book by Elie Wisel? or is it Twelfth Night the name of something

    Do your best!
    Work hard!
    Don't get distracted!
    I hope you feel better soon
    I kinda just stopped coming. I dunno why. I just disappeared I guess. It was RikuDestiny who told me to check things out, so I did and came back.
    It brought back so much memories. I'm kind of sad that I did leave.
    Now I sound like a big geek, but honestly...yeah

    Haha, how are you?
    sorry :(
    i was on the verge of passing out
    i dont think i have ever felt so crappy
    and i have to do it again today, so i wont be able to talk again till late
    haha, I see you figured something out Dos Equis.
    But I will miss the KH part of your name man.

    And yes I am up at 1 in the morning doing chemistry, in case you were wondering.
    i think i got over it
    lucky i got a flu shot

    that sounds pretty cool too! i am actually having a hard time debating between the 3 now...but first comes the other 80 posts

    well, i am feeling a smidge lonely
    please, go right ahead!
    dont worry
    never again
    its partly my fault too
    urgh, i would get on msn right now, but i am starting to feel sick and i need to crash
    der hello there my sister's being a little shit and not getting off the computer...so i am on my psp for now...even tho it sucks
    i like mental stamina
    play to your strengths, that will most definately get ladies

    something real good perhaps

    well, if it makes you feel better, i will act completely surprised. and i wont do shitty job either, it will be legit. neh, its late here too and school awaits in the morning. c ya later then!
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