If you don't mind, I'd like to get to know you a bit more before sending you a friend request, if that's alright?
What songs from Nickelback do you like?
Funny enough, I've seen all of the shows you've listed. I liked Sailor Moon, Code Lyoko, Tom & Jerry, Naruto and Full metal Alchemist.
Have you seen the realistic keyblade that was made? It's really boss. =3
A hard question, but, a unique one. I'll give you kudos for that! ;3 I'd like to be Tifa. I want to be strong, be able to take out opponents with my fists.
What songs from Nickelback do you like?
Funny enough, I've seen all of the shows you've listed. I liked Sailor Moon, Code Lyoko, Tom & Jerry, Naruto and Full metal Alchemist.
Have you seen the realistic keyblade that was made? It's really boss. =3
A hard question, but, a unique one. I'll give you kudos for that! ;3 I'd like to be Tifa. I want to be strong, be able to take out opponents with my fists.