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Dragon Quest in Kingdom Hearts



Nov 28, 2006
Twilight Town Clock-Tower
As some of you know Dragon quest is also a square enix property so that could make the series more likely to show up in Kingdom Hearts... what are your guy's thoughts on this and what game do you think they would add? I think characters from DQ8 would fit well.
(also account turns 10 years today !)
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Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
Akira Toriyama's art style is drastically different from Nomura's. I'm not against the inclusion, I just think that there's not much point in adding Dragon Quest characters when there's a lack of Final Fantasy representation outside of VII, VIII and X in Kingdom Hearts.


New member
Dec 2, 2014
DQ as a whole is a really fun and (most of the time) light-hearted series of games, at least when compared to Final Fantasy's more gritty and serious stories. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing it in KH, would mix very well with Disney's overall tone. 3, 7 and 8 I think have the most fitting characters.

The big issues here, I think, are its artstyle (same issue as with getting Chrono Trigger in KH, Akira Toriyama doesn't mesh well with everything), the fact that its many and varied monsters play a very important role in the series which would be hard to translate into KH (you CANNOT have anything DQ without at least slimes and drackies, though I guess FF in KH has made it this far without chocobos so who knows), and the fact that Nomura might pull the good ol' "I don't feel comfortable working with characters I didn't design" rhetoric that he used back before he worked on Dissidia.

I'd kill to see Alena or Yangus in KH, really.


Nov 30, 2014
See, I do love Akira Toriyama's artstyle, but I doubt it'd "fit" into the KH game, especially because both series have very different artstyles.
Other than that... I wouldn't really be against it.


New member
Oct 4, 2018
See, I do love Akira Toriyama's artstyle, but I doubt it'd "fit" into the KH game, especially because both series have very different artstyles.
Other than that... I wouldn't really be against it.
To be fair though, the Final Fantasy characters have very different art styles from the Disney characters, so that shouldn't be a problem. But anyway I actually hope that I never see Dragon Quest in Kingdom Hearts, because they made the Final Fantasy characters in the Kingdom Hearts games way too different from their Final Fantasy counterparts.


Jul 17, 2016
I would actually be OK if they included DQ characters into the KH franchise if they treated them like most FF characters, cameo appearances in certain world where they are different to their original FF version.

It would be interesting to see the DQ Slimes running their own business like the Moogles do.....there could even be competition between the two companies, leading to comedic situations in their competition against each other.


keeps leaving X-mas decor up year-round.
Oct 21, 2011
Nomura has redesigned other artists creations before to make a consistent familiarity between models, so it wouldn't be the first time or that hard of a stretch. TWEWY's supermodel thin, angular characters fit (depending on who you ask) and there's obviously no need to mention the array of Disney art direction.
Feb 6, 2019
Maybe, but if that happens wouldnt that mean all the shounen Jump anime are in the same universe as KH.


New member
Jul 20, 2021
Akira Toriyama's art style is drastically different from Nomura's. I'm not against the inclusion, I just think that there's not much point in adding Dragon Quest characters when there's a lack of Final Fantasy representation outside of VII, VIII and X in Kingdom Hearts.
Yes well that is very much true in terms of art styles each of the Disney properties featured in Kingdom Hearts have always had very drastically different styles from each other and what number has style is and it does seem that square and namora I have understood that it kind of doesn't really balance out in Kingdom Hearts without the Final Fantasy characters so with stuff like quadratum I do think at the opportunity to add more Final Fantasy representation and I do think Dragon Quest will happen however I've always wondered if it was also like an Oswald situation where as yes Walt Disney created Oswalt however Universal held the copyright over Oswald until Epic Mickey was a thing and so do to this when the Morris said he wanted to get Oswald in it was going to be rather difficult for Disney to hand over licensing rights I believe due to that and if I remember correctly that's why it took so long for them to book Pixar worlds in Kingdom Hearts despite them wanting to do that from the beginning and Dragon Quest was an Enix property before squaresoft and its rival company Phoenix merged so it could be something like that I also think that's why things like Marvel and Star Wars might be a tad too difficult


New member
Jul 20, 2021
As some of you know Dragon quest is also a square enix property so that could make the series more likely to show up in Kingdom Hearts... what are your guy's thoughts on this and what game do you think they would add? I think characters from DQ8 would fit well.
(also account turns 10 years today !)
So I'm very much new to the Dragon Quest franchised but I do find this was my only problem with it being featured in Kingdom Hearts because I'd love for it to happen along with the more Square Enix properties my only personal problem is I find Dragon Quest to be a bit too simple and less complicated in comparison to other Square Enix properties that have been featured in Kingdom Hearts like of course the many Final Fantasy characters from different Final Fantasy games the world ends with you cast members and I'm hand her stuff being in Kingdom Hearts 3 I find those were made more complicated like Kingdom Hearts and I find Dragon Quest to be the more kid-friendly of Square Enix three pillars in comparison to Kingdom Hearts in Final Fantasy I find Dragon Quest from what I've played of Dragon Quest to be the more kid-friendly of the free and the more simplistic in terms of what overall in content not including fanservice elements in terms of like content of both gameplay and story I find Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy 8 from what I can tell are definitely aimed at older audiences and Dragon Quest definitely seems to be more for the younger at heart despite Kingdom Hearts featuring Disney characters all over the place it's always been kind of odd to me I also noticed and now this isn't a personal problem but it could be an issue with including Dragon Quest Kingdom Hearts was a squaresoft / Disney project at first when the first game came out and by the time chain of Memories and other games came out it was Square Enix Enix was the company that he'll Dragon Quest start ocean in Valkyrie Profile and that was before the merger between squaresoft so I think it might be a tad too difficult potentially for them to legally include it due to that but I could be wrong after all Disney did have to reacquire Oswald the Lucky Rabbit from Universal and if I remember correctly in response to Oswalt inclusion in Kingdom Hearts it would have been too difficult weekly according to what Disney told nomura so it could be something like that I also think that's why you don't see stuff like Star Wars Willow or anything lucasfilm or Marvel Comics related or 20th Century Fox like blue sky animation it's why I'm pretty sure you don't see those because it be to legally different plus Disney only recently acquired some of those properties. That end I think if anything they were going to keep stuff that they had only ones they were Square Enix and once they were squaresoft in Kingdom Hearts if they keep going if we keep adding Square properties I do think Dragon Quest would be a good choice I don't think it would be hard to switch their designs and to the Morris Tile I think they would work quite fluently how does namora has altered his own character designs to fit Kingdom Hearts and has altered many of the Disney characters to fit Kingdom Hearts so I think I could do that with Dragon Quest or just leave them as they are in terms of character design and it really wouldn't be something I questioned because of the mesh of different art styles in Kingdom Hearts.