Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I'unno what you were like when you were 14, but I certainly was an idiot who couldn't use common sense :ROFLMAO:
There's a reason why people in my home country say that the brains of teenagers are 'under reconstruction'...
Just to mention a few:
- The opening, especially Roxas and Axel's fight in the rain
- Swimming in the Caribbean (so gorgeous!)
- Axel's reaction to Jiminy
- Lingering Will and his Keyblade transformation
- Donald's Zettaflare
- Sora surfing on a Keyblade
- Yen Sid joining the battle
- Terra's...
Hey, I read your post where you mention struggling with depression. I've stuggled with it myself for years. I just want you to know that if you need someone to talk to, you can reach out to me
I'm having some severe issues with the pre-rendered models, their skin looks way too perfect, they look like porcelain dolls.
Okay, I give, he wears eyeliner.
I'm still gonna say he's not wearing eyeliner because of the pre-render, but I'm not sure anymore
And now that I compare, his eyes seem lighter, too, in the pre-render. I don't know at all, anymore
I see what you mean. I can't tell whether his eyelashes makes it look like eyeliner, or if they decided to not give him eyeliner in the pre-rendered cutscenes.
There's a closeup of his eyes in the first cutscene with Kairi where he tears up. It makes it quite clear that, no, he doesn't. Mascara on the other hand...