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  1. PhantomStar

    News ► Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary Event held in Tokyo on April 10th

    I can't wait for the celebration with new cutscenes placed randomly that are highly integral to the KH story as a whole
  2. PhantomStar

    Which KH game, in your opinion, is the worst?

    Yeah, I thought I had posted this thread in the KH 2nd Phase board.
  3. PhantomStar

    Be brutally honest: what is the absolute worst world in the kh franchise?

    I'm still kindly new to the franchise, but I would have to say Wonderland. It was just so infuriating, and the Trickmaster gave me such a headache.
  4. PhantomStar

    Which KH game, in your opinion, is the worst?

    Yeah, that's honestly pretty valid.
  5. PhantomStar

    Which KH game, in your opinion, is the worst?

    I'm bored and I wanted to gather some intel about people's least favorite KH game. Feel free to spill about how much you don't like a specific game!