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  1. S


    Does anybody know a website where i can download the KH2:FM+ secret ending?? ive looked everywhere but i just can find any site.:toungesmile:
  2. S

    Last chance for real KHIIFM+ information?

    all im going to say is that you could be rigth or you could be wrong.....right now im more interested on this "new project" SE is working on:)
  3. S

    Last chance for real KHIIFM+ information?

    are you japanese?...........
  4. S

    Last chance for real KHIIFM+ information?

    well, we should just wait....u never know with SE
  5. S

    who would win????

    If King Mickey were to figth the U.E.M...who do you think would win?:unsure:
  6. S

    need help

    ummm....HI!!1 OK here`s the deal.....im thinking of importing KH2:FM+ but ive never imported a game before.....and i really have no idea what to do......i did look around this Site but im a bit confused with the Swamp Magic thingy.......can anyone help me? :unsure: i have a slim PS2 .....thank you!
  7. S

    The coolest fight in Kingdom hearts 2 FM+

    I would go for the Organization Data Battles........i specially like Larxene`s!!!!!!!!
  8. S

    official where to get kh2 final mix+ and swap magic to play it.

    is Play-Asia.com reliable? * this is my first time importing =]*
  9. S

    Finally defeated Terra

    yeah on Critical, not only he goes brutal on you.....but also have limited HP...which makes the game much harder
  10. S

    Downloading KH2 FM+ secret ending for free

    its all over the Internet...search for it:cool:
  11. S

    KH2FM+ Outside-of-Japan Release Date Speculation

    Well, it is his project....im pretty sure before SE can do anything with Kingdom Hearts they have to at least ask for his opinion......he MADE KH and he does care because he is very aware that KH is VERY popular here..he said it on a interview
  12. S

    Hook help please!

    well, which game are you talking about? kh1 or re: chain of memories?
  13. S

    KH2FM+ Outside-of-Japan Release Date Speculation

    well, we`re 2 days away from the Square Enix party......maybe we`ll get some good news!...what do u guys think? also i read that Nomura wanted to do something "special" for the american...has anyone else read this before? what do you think this "spacial" thing is all about?:confused:
  14. S

    KH2FM+ Outside-of-Japan Release Date Speculation

    they have to releasse it here, i mean our KH2 was the same as the japannese one.....and japan is using the American voices for final mix+...if i didnt knew better..i would say they were using us:unsure:
  15. S

    Square Enix Party (may 12-13) soon!!!!!

    Square Enix party is next weekend what do you guys think?
  16. S

    what crazy things would you do to get KH2:FM+?

    i would do anything to get KH2:FM+ lol:)
  17. S

    Square Enix party (may 12-13)?

    Is it true that Square Enix is going to say wheter KH2:fm+ comes to Nort America or not..in this party?:confused: