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Search results

  1. X

    What gear do you end up using most? Single and multiplayer

    That's my point... *Post too short*
  2. X

    What gear do you end up using most? Single and multiplayer

    I don't get how to use it... It doesn't help me at all, but oh well...
  3. X

    What gear do you end up using most? Single and multiplayer

    Yeah Firaga was my main spell alongside cura. The other spells made no sense to me, especially aero...
  4. X

    why do so many people dislike 358/2 days

    I'm going to give my 2 cents and just say I liked the game and it had really good graphics and gameplay for a DS game. The only problem I had with it was the story line got confusing at times and playing the game...
  5. X


    I don't hate Xion but I don't like her either. I wanted days to be a story that showed Roxas' relationship to Axel and the Organization. I guess Xion played a key role in the story line but it just seemed like she...
  6. X

    Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

    Okay, so I've heard of a new sequel to Assassin's Creed called Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. I haven't been able to find any news except that it's in Rome and I think it's also during renaissance. I also heard you play as Ezio...
  7. X

    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - Story help

    Oh this cutscene screwed with my mind as well....
  8. X

    Unlock Sora?

    Argh, unlocking Sora would take to long! I completed most of the missions but when I got to the last few days I just dropped it, I wanted to beat the game so I could know what happened in the end.
  9. X

    What gear do you end up using most? Single and multiplayer

    I guess I was still noob then haha! What mode was this on as well? I'm pretty sure I died during that boss atleast once... I keep forgetting what gear I'm using but I know it's not nimble, all I know is that it's good for both land and air attacks, that's what the description says...
  10. X

    The Axel and Xion relationship

    Haha, I was talking about how I thought that the 6 terminated members of org. 13 were in KH2 but this thread gave me some info on what I should believe about Axel and Xion.
  11. X

    The Axel and Xion relationship

    Personally, I just think that Axel just put up with Xion because he didn't want to hurt Roxas but I still think Axel should've been more of a trustworthy friend, like at least telling him who he is.
  12. X

    The Axel and Xion relationship

    Oh well, I had my facts wrong, sorry... :(
  13. X

    The Axel and Xion relationship

    Yeah, I guess he does learn to become her friend but he acts pretty cold towards her when she realises she's absorbing Roxas but he ends up being nice later on. I'm pretty sure they end up being friends seeing as he cares about her (scene in front of mansion), but I don't think he sees her as a...
  14. X

    The Axel and Xion relationship

    So before anyone tells me to go look for a thread concerning this, I already checked so yeah. Anyway, so after finishing Days I had a few questions concerning Axel and Xion. I've been looking on other threads but alot of them seem to be made before Days so I was like "Why is the order of events...
  15. X

    Hey, I'm Advent!

    So, I'm new to the forums so I thought I should get to know the KHinsider community. So I've been posting a bit around the forums so some of you might of seen me but anyway I'm hoping to be a bit more active. So, a bit about myself... I guess I like Poke'mon and Final Fantasy and obviously KH...
  16. X

    What gear do you end up using most? Single and multiplayer

    Those ice cubes were easy! I just used firaga and they were gone! But that boss at Beast's Caste was pretty hard, I didn't know you could deflect an attack and hit the archers...
  17. X

    What gear do you end up using most? Single and multiplayer

    Box looking one? I finished playing Days like 3 weeks ago and don't remember box looking heartless besides the one in front of Beast's Castle which owned Beast.
  18. X

    What gear do you end up using most? Single and multiplayer

    Oh yeah, Neverland was pretty obvious haha, the ghosts in Halloween town bring you really high into the air if you keep a long combo going haha.
  19. X

    What gear do you end up using most? Single and multiplayer

    Yeah air attacking is way better than land attacks but don't most heartless need you to be in the air to attack? Especially Halloween town.
  20. X

    What gear do you end up using most? Single and multiplayer

    Doesn't nimble gear get weak later on in the game.