• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. Corvette623

    I need a boyfriend

    Must like: -food -being attractive -bob's burgers -the hunger games Apply within.
  2. Corvette623

    Any of all yalls got a Gaia?

    Well do ya? I need to know. It's pertinent information
  3. Corvette623

    I am an annoyed panda

    gettin real tired of this s**t, e'erbody
  4. Corvette623

    30th Annual Hunger Games Roleplay OOC

    Here is where all discussions can be made and questons can be asked
  5. Corvette623

    30th Annual Hunger Games Roleplay

    To sign up, visit here This thread will be used for posting the tasks and the results of the tasks. Anyone Posting in here will be deleted immediately. If you are a repeat offender and a member of the games, I will confiscate sponsor points.
  6. Corvette623

    30th Annual Hunger Games Roleplay ((Open and Accepting))

    Welcome, Citizens of Panem! The Reapings for the 30th Annual Hunger Games have begun! Sign up today to be reaped or volunteer! Form alliances, kill tributes, play a piece in the Capitol's Games! Not only will you participate in the Games, but also, the Tribute Parade, the Interviews, Sponsors...
  7. Corvette623

    My aunt says I wasted 30 dollars

    Because I spent it on a used copy of Pikmin 2. Oh, how ignorant she has become in her old age
  8. Corvette623

    Tumblr Exchange

    Hey! I'm looking to find some new Tumblrs to follow and what not. If you wanna send/post your Tumblr URL I'd be more than willing to take a look and maybe even follow ;) Mine is : curlycute.tumblr.com I post a lot of random stuff. My tumblr doesn't really have a theme xD
  9. Corvette623

    Any Zinesters out there?

    If so, maybe do you guys wanna set up a trade or some thing :D
  10. Corvette623

    Song Covers done by Me :D

    Here's my youtube channel :D TheHappyHolden's Channel I'm nothing fantastic but I love to ssing! All constructive criticism is welcome :D I'm kind of looking for someone to possibly do a cover of Somebody That I Used to Know with sooo hit me up if you're interested! P.S. I'd sing Kimbra's part XD
  11. Corvette623

    Hello ;)

    Hi everybody! I'm actually pretty new on here even though I made an account years ago ;)
  12. Corvette623

    A semi autobiographical short story! Needs critiques and suggestions!

    “You just don’t understand how much you can hurt me..” I let the words roll around in my mouth. I stroke the paper in my journal that holds this phrase. “You just don’t understand how much you can hurt me...” He really didn’t. He was always so concerned with his feelings. I mean, it...
  13. Corvette623

    Slam Poetry Sharing

    Here's a piece I wrote a while back: If you were to come up to me tomorrow and say' "I love you. Be mine?" What would I say? Because the years of rejection And hate And fighting And sadness have left me jaded and scarred And my hands are bloody with disappointment And Sir, I don't know If...
  14. Corvette623

    Hunger Games RP

    Would anyone be interested in getting together and organizing this?
  15. Corvette623

    Fanfiction ► Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: A tale of four losers!

    Announcement Dylan and I would like to announce that either later this evening or sometime tomorrow we will release the Christmas Special chapter: Curse of The Snowbodylives lodge A Christmas tale of joy...
  16. Corvette623

    Fanfiction ► Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: A tale of four losers!

    Hi Everyone It's Me! The infamous Holden! Just thiught I should make my presence known.