Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
smoked ganja with the drummer at a show in Louisville btw
CFW 5.50 Prometheus Released; For PSP-1000 & PSP-2000 Models *Updated* | PSP Hacks · PSP Go Hacks · PSP Homebrew, PSP Downloads, PSP Custom Firmware
just use this firmware. the game runs perfectly for me.
serious face on.
i read into it a tad, and it seems that your inability to maintain eye contact may have something to do with earlier life experiences. maybe your parents never looked at each other, never looked at you or when they did they were angry. causing you to have some sort of problem...
Lovely band if you ask me. Discuss.
In KH2 the clothing that the fairies made sora, were the canon explanation for how he could transform to blend in with other worlds. Maybe TAV's armor does something to a similar affect?