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Search results

  1. V

    Anyone Keeping an "Opened Mind" towards the org in Kh2? (just read)

    If some of the fallen Org members were to come back I think they would come back but not work for the Organization. Larxene and Marluxia tried to take over and I don't think the other living members are fond of that. Just a theory.
  2. V


    I agree with the MuffinMan, and if he is in the game, do you think he'll kick Cloud's ass-teroid for taking his attire in the first Kingdom Hearts?
  3. V

    Kingdom Hearts Dream Matches (Revised)

    Based on what we already know about the upcoming sequel to Kindom Hearts, Director Tetsuya Nomura has stated that everything that has been shown is only the tip of the iceberg. There is much more that is not known. This post is not a theory. This post is a poll. I know that most people have...
  4. V

    Kingdom Hearts Dream Matches

    Battles you would like to see in Kingdom Hearts II. Considering Kingdom Hearts II has many possibilities because we know so little about it due to the fact that Tetsuya Nomura stated that all we know and all that has been leaked out is only the tip of the iceberg. There might be chances of...
  5. V

    Vivi could easily pass off as a Heartless

    If we had not seen Vivi in FFIX you could easily be fooled to think he is a Heartless. He has the yellow eyes and where is his face? All he's missing is the Heartless symbol. It's so cool to see Vivi make a cameo. Big fantasy match, Donald vs. Vivi! Holy spit, that would be sweet! Now the other...
  6. V

    DiZ kidnapping Namine . . .

    There is a fine line between justice and revenge.
  7. V

    Game will probably end with an "Empire Strikes Back" climax

    Yes, it's a joke. I mean what are the chances that Kairi and Axel are related? Very unlikely, all they share is their hair color. All I know is, that the ending better leave me speechless. Then yet I don't even know what the beginning is like. LOL
  8. V

    Game will probably end with an "Empire Strikes Back" climax

    Remember those five words that Darth Vader said in Episode V that changed Star Wars forever. I have a feeling that this game is gonna raise more questions than it will answers. We will all be confused and wait for a third(fourth) installment. Axel: Kairi, I am your brother. Kairi: What? Sora...
  9. V

    Are they collecting the Princesses of Hearts Again?

    In the trailer it looks like that Axel and Diz are kidnapping Kairi and Namine. What's that all about. Who knows, maybe they're kidnapping the two girls to get to Sora.
  10. V

    Hang on one super fast second

    The English version of KHII will probably call Rikku as Ryuku, to avoid confusion. Ryuku is the way she is called in Japanese.
  11. V

    Which optional FF Villain/Boss would you like to see in KHII?

    I thought Yunalesca would be a formidable opponent. But, I see everyone wants Sephiroth back. So, I thought they should open up some Super Platinum match where you first fight Yazoo, then Loz, then Kadaj, and Finally Sephiroth. It would be it's own Cup. Should have Cloud in your party to help...
  12. V

    Which optional FF Villain/Boss would you like to see in KHII?

    Which villain from any FF series would you like to see make an appearance in KHII. I would like to see Ultimecia or Seymour. Although none would have as much impact as Sephiroth.
  13. V

    Cloud VS. Auron

    I was talking to a friend of mine at GameCrazy. He works there. We both are big fans of the KH series. He comes up with this statement about Cloud vs. Auron, over the fact that Cloud never really got out of Hades's character. I mean I can't believe this because of the fact that there is no proof...
  14. V

    BHK Name Theory

    Well, if BHK becomes part of the XIII Order then his name would have to have a letter X in it like every member in it. Just a random thought.
  15. V

    BHK Name Theory

    I was thinking, since no one really knows BHK's actual name, then maybe he doesn't have one. He is the other side of Sora's heart and shall be nameless. Maybe, just maybe he develops a name throughout the game or someone gives him a name. Whatever his name is, it has to be something that suits...
  16. V

    kingdom hearts 2 allready for reserve

    I reserved my copy back in April of 2004, I went into Game Crazy and they already had it for reserve. I was shocked so I reserved it.