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  1. U

    Confusion about kh2fm

    We're talking about the new scenes having no English voice acting... In video games, studios are seldom used; voice actors will usually "phone in" their lines (record them at home with their own equipment, then send them to the project). We do have voice acting groups in North America...well...
  2. U

    Confusion about kh2fm

    The trick both FMs have played are to have the vast majority of new cutscenes be in situations where not having voice acting isn't totally weird (flashbacks, etc.). Both KH1FM and KH2FM have had a single scene each where this isn't the case. In KH1, it's the cutscene before the Xemnas/"Unknown"...
  3. U

    Complete Nintendo Power scans + Press Release thing from E3.

    We did get KH2 sooner, but realize that content was removed--in the Japanese version, Jiminy's Journal had little notes and doodles hand-written by Sora. If you want a real, quality localization then four months is an extremely short time. Rushing the localization process results in glitchy...
  4. U

    358/2 DSi Bundle

    Well, the concept alone is preposterous enough, but yes. More points off for using an easy photo like that.
  5. U

    358/2 DSi Bundle

    (copypasta of myself from Neowin) Unquestionably a hoax. No less than four different names are used instead of the proper 358/2 Days (that's right, written in English): these include "358/2", "2分の358日間", and "358/2日間". I stress the fact that "358/2 Days" is usually written in English in...
  6. U

    Everything We Know About Unbirths So Far

    They're kind of weird-looking...but I'm blaming that on the artist/his memory for now.
  7. U

    Everything We Know About XIV/Xion So Far

    Actually their names are Okinawan.
  8. U

    My idea of the Unbirths and the true meaning of "Birth by Sleep"

    "We'll chase the lights too." i.e., everyone is chasing, so...
  9. U

    Everything We Know About XIV/Xion So Far

    Xemnas wants jailbait? ...wait, that explains a lot.
  10. U

    Official "Unbirths" Discussion and Speculation Thread!

    Yeah, I guess they don't think anymore. God forbid half those hearts actually belonged to people once upon a time? Well okay, not half. But a hell of a lot. There's just too many artificial Heartless in comparison.
  11. U

    Yoko Shimomura Performs New Song For BBS!

    I know, right? Did Square actually man up and keep people from recording anything? Well, I mean, they usually succeed at that, but remember how hilariously obvious the guy recording the FFVs13 trailer was?
  12. U

    Official "Unbirths" Discussion and Speculation Thread!

    I was about to bring up the millions of Heartless, but Disney is fine with people dying as long as you don't use the word.
  13. U

    Yoko Shimomura Performs New Song For BBS!

    Shimomura's better than something like that...unveiling a Disney tune would be a monstrous waste of time.
  14. U

    Anyone else think "Unbirths" will change?

    I'm pretty sure it was an old fanon term referring to the third enemy (presumably matching a human soul), based on the naming scheme of the other two (lack of heart and body).
  15. U

    Official "Unbirths" Discussion and Speculation Thread!

    Theory fail. Soul Eater was a conventional sword that Riku turned into a Keyblade.
  16. U

    Yoko Shimomura Performs New Song For BBS!

    On the subject of music in general, I hope she just releases one big soundtrack set for all three games...I think it'd save a lot of trouble. I think that much is a given. I'm more worried about whether they'll actually be good or not, because Utada has seriously been sucking lately.
  17. U

    Anyone else think "Unbirths" will change?

    Here's a question: if the localizers were actually draconian enough to change the name out of abortion fears, what would it be? I'd say wait until the Unbirths' origins are revealed to really start worrying at all. (And please, spare us the "omg abortionz :|" crap. I quote .:Raz:. for support.)
  18. U

    Random Coded Thought

    Coded is officially stated to take place after KH2.
  19. U

    Thoughts About The Meaning Behind The Title '358/2 Days'

    If you want to know how the title's pronounced, it's "three-five-eight days over two".
  20. U

    Kingdom Hearts 358/2

    The game's official katakana rendering is キングダム ハーツ スリー ファイブ エイト デイズ オーバー ツー. It's what's called a "transliteration"; these characters are used to imitate the sounds of other languages in the best way Japanese phonetics can (it's why Roxas is "Rokusasu" in Japan, etc.; a good non-Japanese...