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  1. S

    Yozoras identity

    I’m going to just mention this idea that may or may not already be a theory and that I’m too lazy to actually do research on and has little supporting it other than a little bit of dialogue so I’m going to let you smart people pull or push. 😉 We all have heard about the theory of Yozora being...
  2. S

    *SPOILER* Links between MoM and earlier games

    Hmm interesting. Well thank you for the info ☺️
  3. S

    *SPOILER* Links between MoM and earlier games

    Considering that movie was boycotted to H. e. Double hockey sticks due to the lead actresses political views, I don’t think Disney is doing a very good job at that lol
  4. S

    *SPOILER* Links between MoM and earlier games

    Please forgive my ignorance, but why does China’s banning have influence over a Japanese made franchise?
  5. S

    Why was there light through the door to darkness?

    The light that defeated Ansems heartless. I understand that they didn’t know there would be a continuation of the story but plot wise was it ever explained? It’s implied that it was from Kingdom hearts but where did it come from?
  6. S

    How do you dodge boss abilities during the rolling phase?

    There are no notes. It’s when they use their midway ability
  7. S

    How do you dodge boss abilities during the rolling phase?

    How do you dodge or “guard” boss attacks?
  8. S

    Editorial ► Rumors of a Kingdom Hearts Disney Plus series are greatly exaggerated

    Yes, but kingdom hearts isn’t either of those. Everything that we’ve gotten at this point has connected in some way. If we get a series (which God I hope not) it’ll most likely have its connections. It’ll probably be similar to what marvel is doing, how their shows are going to influence the movies.
  9. S

    Editorial ► Rumors of a Kingdom Hearts Disney Plus series are greatly exaggerated

    I’d say you edgy kids should be in school right now but unfortunately that isn’t possible.
  10. S

    Editorial ► Rumors of a Kingdom Hearts Disney Plus series are greatly exaggerated

    Is a terrible idea and would destroy the series as we know it.
  11. S

    Another KH3 DLC?

    Yep. Companies have changed their minds before. Nomura could have said that just so they 'could' work on other things for the time being. There are a number of reasons. One being of course that I'm wrong, but we'll have to wait and see.
  12. S

    Another KH3 DLC?

    To different opinions then. 🍻
  13. S

    Another KH3 DLC?

    Xion was honestly the hardest out of the 13 for me. I fought her for like 6 hours to the point where I memorized her entire pattern. I took a break and the next day I was able to beat her lol. The FF felt like an insult tbh and once I saw them in the trailer I knew that it was going to be such a...
  14. S

    Another KH3 DLC?

    I never said splitting was a good idea, only explaining that it can and has happened in the past. They're working on new things right now but completely ruling out the chance of another dlc is asinine. Kingdom hearts 3 being the first game of the 12 game series to be able to update immediately...
  15. S

    Another KH3 DLC?

    Disney wouldn't tell square that. If they said something, square probably wouldn't be allowed to have Hercules in the game at all. Disney wouldn't care about a single area. It doesn't affect them.
  16. S

    Another KH3 DLC?

    Again, the price is for what we got, not how hard it was to make it. That's a terrible argument. What we got wasn't worth $30. Sorry, that's the truth. I'm going to be 100% honest, I didn't even notice the members had a theme (different themes?) Playing during their fights, probably because I...
  17. S

    Another KH3 DLC?

    Nothing is "confirmed."
  18. S

    Another KH3 DLC?

    I understand that it's not an easy job, but ultimately the end result is what matters. That's what we pay for. That's what we get. You don't buy something you don't want just because you feel bad for the company. Not saying I didn't want remind, just making a point. I know that's probably...