• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. A

    Certain Boss Fights.

    Spam Sonic Blade and Blitz. That's how I did it.
  2. A

    Chain of Memories Was the Best Game

    Meh. Chain of Memories was good, but not that good. The card system sucked, and the story is really boring untill the very end. Also, requires way WAY too much grinding for my tastes.
  3. A

    Riku Joke Weapon

    Then what's Mickey's, Sora's, Donald's, and Goofy's?
  4. A

    Most Annoying Boss

    Repliku IV by far... I didn't even break a sweat fighting Axel or Larxene.
  5. A

    Disappointed with Days?

    You're right, delusional wasn't the right word, but I was rushing. Anyway, the difference is that there is other evidence besides hair to connect Terra and Xehanort, not so with Xion. What did you expect? As Xion dies, she says "oh, by the way, I'm a replica of this guy Xemnas used to know...
  6. A

    Riku Joke Weapon

    Wait, I thought Riku didn't have a joke weapon. Do the other secret characters have one also?
  7. A

    Disappointed with Days?

    Grace; Not really. Anyway, even if you discount the hair color, the hair has a few noticable differences, and Nomura himself said that her hair was inteneded to look like Kairi's, and was changed later on. I stick to the opinion that those who thought she would have a conection with Aqua were...
  8. A

    Disappointed with Days?

    Only Six Faces - Television Tropes & Idioms Also, her hair's black.
  9. A

    Disappointed with Days?

    Might as well get all the negatives in one place. So we al know Days turned out to be pretty good, but what about it let you down?
  10. A

    Am I Alone on This?

    You are my hero.
  11. A

    Heartless Inspiration for Unbirth Bosses?

    What's your point?