• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. C

    How excited where you when you got KH2

    i was pretty damn excited when i first got it, but not as excited as i was when i beat it lmao i was bouncing off the walls when i beat the game XDD
  2. C

    hi again.

    k so i joined like a long time ago and just now remember that i was a member here so erm..just saying that i am back and everything, if anyone cares lol but ya, call me Britt :]
  3. C

    How Excited Are you Right now for 358/2 days

    i cant wait either lol ill be waiting for this :]
  4. C

    which scene in KH1 was the most enjoyable?

    prob all the hallow bastion scenes and when kairi & sora reunite :]
  5. C

    what do you think of re chain of memories?

    its alright. i kinda got bored with it at first tho which is probably cuz the beginning is mainly exactly like the gba version but i do plan on seeing the new cutscenes and such.
  6. C


    so yes, i am back. last time i was on here was in May lol dunno how long ill be here this time but meh..u can call me Britt :] maybe sum peepz will remember meh.